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  • Reply to: Did Sister Ruth Neglect to Reflect on McDonald’s?   15 years 2 months ago
    In the UK August 2009 tomatoes sell in the supermarket for $0.76 / pound, which makes a 32 pound bucket full worth $24.37. I wonder how much of that the pickers see.
  • Reply to: President Obama and Congress: If You Missed Wise County, Join Me in L.A.   15 years 2 months ago
    Wendell Potter, Let’s not dispair. Consider the <a href="">Butterfly Effect:</a> “the idea that a butterfly’s wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that may ultimately alter the path of a tornado or delay, accelerate or even prevent the occurrence of a tornado in a certain location. The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale alterations of events. Wendell Potter, you are that butterfly. I cannot imagine President Obama and Congress declining to join you at the RAM fair in LA.
  • Reply to: President Obama and Congress: If You Missed Wise County, Join Me in L.A.   15 years 2 months ago
    I work for a large US corporation that uses CIGNA ironically and I've watched our benefits and the quality of coverage decrease over time, especially in the last few years as the company struggles to maintain costs. And I'm one of the lucky ones who has coverage. Congratulations on your decision to bring the wealth of your knowledge to the service of people in need -- and thank you. You add much needed credibility to the health care discussion. Seriously -- is it possible you could work with President Obama to create a compelling narrative that most American's can easily understand about what is being offered and what is at stake? So far the narrative has been left to the Republicans and as the only clear story out there, as wrong as it is, it's working against us all.
  • Reply to: President Obama and Congress: If You Missed Wise County, Join Me in L.A.   15 years 2 months ago
    You are a hero, Mr. Potter, in the sea of <i>Profiles in Jellyfishism</i>. I hope we can see the RAM on CSpan or here on CMD. I write to people that you are the most telling spokesman possible against the bloodsucking Wall Street Health Scam Corporations with their odious medical loss ratios; RAPE (Rescind-And-Purge Evil); and fake insurance. Do people really want Wall Street between them and their doctors? (Read up on medical-loss-ratios -- which means that anything they pay out to cover people is a loss to the stock-holders & punished by their Death-Star OverLords, Wall Street.) It disgusts. You folks who still want Wall St. health scam insurance should go ahead and have your premiums pay Ron Williams' CEO Aetna's 24 million dollar annual compensation. Urgent: To <a href="">contact your representatives and leaders</a>, you can go to for phone, fax, snail, etc. For <a href="">The White House</a>, go to for email, phone, etc. Phone will be busy. You need to persevere and redial a lot. Other leaders (Pelosi, Reid, Baucus, etc) are a lot easier to contact. Always be extremely polite and have a tone of more in desperate sorrow than in anger. (I also call to quickly thank the good guys, Rockefeller, Sherrod Brown, Anthony Weiner, Barbara Mikulski etc.) I've escalated to asking the volunteer to ask the President to say this single, plain sentence: "I will <b>VETO</b> any bill which does not include a robust public option." My gratitude to Wendell is deep and wide. My head would have <i>exploded</i> if he hadn't stood bloody up. Governor Howard Dean is great too. (You can sign <a href="">his petition</a> here: Watch <i>The Ed Schultz Show</i> on msnbc too. He's huge for health reform. He'll be on vacation this coming week reading the entire HELP bill, but he is <i>very</i> fiery for real reform for We The dear Sheeple. Wendell Rocks.
  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   15 years 2 months ago
    Dear God Bless, Who are you trying to kid. First you use the "Rovian" tactic of giving a name that makes any detractor seem unpatriotic. I am a taxpayer, voter, veteran, husband and father of two grown children. America is by the people and for the people. Not for the corporation and against the people. When healthcare is a service and not a business then you will see true changes in the health of the American people. You obviously need a good dose of getting screwed by the system and to spend a little time in fear that you will lose all you have worked for all your life because of a medical condition that threatens your well being and your livelihood. The insurance companies filled a necessary slot in the history of our civilization but have gone awry. The time for them to go is now. All of those good employees you are so worried about (ha) can be put to good use in the area of medical communications and to provide better healthcare rather than working in the healthcare denial system. I am sure they would feel better about going to work each day and maybe work harder for their clients knowing that they are contributing to the well being of their fellow travelers rather than just pushing paper unitl Friday comes. You are obviously insulated from the realities that most of us face every day. Either that or you just dont care. Your time is done, buddy. Give it a rest. You are either a fool or a tool. Not believing there is a better way or putting dollars before people. The earth is no longer flat and you are no longer relevant.
