Recent comments

  • Reply to: CMD's Wendell Potter Provides Health Care Reform's Most Powerful Ammo   15 years 2 months ago

    Thank you Mr. Potter for becoming the public spokesperson for the national (health) good. We would be fortunate to have you as a cabinet advisor to President Obama. I fear the President does not have the requisite courage, character and conviction to stand up to the lobbyists nor to the so-called Blue Dod Democrats who are controlled by the drug and insurance industries.

  • Reply to: President Obama and Congress: If You Missed Wise County, Join Me in L.A.   15 years 2 months ago
    For-profit insurance companies have a foremost responsibility to make profits for their shareholders. This makes the companies susceptible to unethical practices towards insureds and providers. However, there are not-for-profit insurers like some Blues plans, and Group Health, Kaiser, etc. They are owned by those who have the policies (co-op or mutual). Do you think they are just as unethical and immoral as the Wall Street driven insurers, or could they be the better 'public option'? Also, do you think the for-profit hospitals are just as ethically and morally challenged as the for profit insurers? Do you think the core problem is the "profit motive"? If so, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, are terribly broken as stated by the govt, yet there is no profit motive there. If the profit motive fuels inacceptable greed, and govt programs fuel unacceptable inefficiency that can't be sustained financially, which is worse? Besides the tax code, medical liability, and immigration needing reform in order to get healthcare costs under control, do you think the answer is single payor ultimately?
  • Reply to: Pentagon Propaganda Gets a Pass   15 years 2 months ago
    Mr. Potter's appearance on the Bill Moyer Journal was my first introduction to him and his views on the healthcare issue. He is now one of my heroes. I'm eking by on Social Security; therefore I cannot donate money unfortunately. But if there is anything else I can do to help the cause, let me know. Mr. Potter keep up the good fight. Drew Sargent
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 2 months ago
    How ever you feel about Mr Potter, the thing that made a big impression on me was, Instead of having a bureaucrat between me and my doctor an insurance exe is standing between me and my doctor. The myth that the govt can't run anything is garbage, I have been on medicare for 8 years and so far have had no problems, I know I am lucky, at least I have insurance, so passing the govt program has no relevance for me, but after hearing some of the horror stories of how some people were left to die because of and insurance exe makes me ill.
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 2 months ago
    You have been blessed. Please keep writing. The world needs to hear you. As a physician, I have participated in local health fairs that offer free services. I am humbled by the patients who seek these services. The fraud perpetrated on the american tax paying public by health insurers who continue to be sued and continue to settle out of court for rico violations by state's attorney's general, the ama, and others needs to be exposed. I am staggered by the volume of misinformation perpetuated by the spokespeople of this industry. I am obviously also disgusted by the practices of this parasitic and useless industry that shamelessly steals working and retired people's lives with their greed. I can only hope that universal healthcare snuffs out the pathetic industry that so heartlessly steals from the most vulnerable segments of our society.
