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  • Reply to: FDA Lab Analysis Puts the Heat on E-Cigarettes   15 years 2 months ago

    I am an e-cigarette user and have gone from 1-1/2 to 2 packs of Marlboro lights to vapor. I tried prior to the ecigarette - nicotin patch, gum, "candy", hyponosis, "cold turkey" and cutting down. NONE of those were effective. I am grateful that I found ecigarettes and have become a non-smoker. I believe if the other nicotin products can be purchased without a RX than so too should the ecigarette. As far as a cancer causing agent....the ecigarette isn't as bad as the regular cigarettes I was using and MUCH better for me. I can now breath better, my teeth are whitening up, and my sense of smell has returned. To me, that within itself is proof. I believe, wihout more accurate testing the FDA is remiss in publishing an article that scares the public. Especially, potential users of the ecigarette that could improve their life.

  • Reply to: FDA Lab Analysis Puts the Heat on E-Cigarettes   15 years 2 months ago

    Very well said and to add my 2 cents, i could care less what it is being marketed as, if they told me if i used it i would live to be 100, i would still use it because the one fact i am sure stopped me from smoking FDA approved cancer sticks. A lot of legal cure's proclaim a lot of different "facts" that are either exaggerated or taken at face value. We as intelligent people should be able to discern for ourselves what is true and what might work. I mean do people really believe if you take a pill a mans genitalia will grow? Did the FDA ban or investigate these outrageous claims. Hey, drink a Bud light and the girls will swarm all over you and you will be the life of the party, then get in your car and kill someone in a drunk driving accident. Wheres the government there. How irresponsible that all these politicians that want to protect us turn their back when it suits them. The only thing the FDA proved is that e cigs had at the very least 3,999 less harmful products then their friends at Phillip Morris produce. How can this be bad? Hypocrisy at its best.

  • Reply to: FDA Lab Analysis Puts the Heat on E-Cigarettes   15 years 2 months ago

    You are confusing the terms "quitting smoking" and "quitting nicotine". I am a user of the personal vaporizer (e-cig). I smoked 2 packs a day for 32 years, and I tried every NRT on the market, but nothing worked. I purchased the e-cig as a SMOKING ALTERNATIVE...not to just quit smoking.

    Did I quit cigarettes?...yes, but did I quit What I can tell you, is that my sense of smell has returned, my sense of taste has returned, I can breathe easier, I am no longer getting short of breath upon activity, and I no longer smell like an ashtray.

    My own personal, physical well as that of MANY other users, can testify to the fact that the e-cig is not as harmful as regular cigarettes. My own doctor can testify to the difference in my health since I started using it. The FDA is using a well known, frequently used scare tactic to encite people to "fear the unknown"...but they are not willing to put the product into the proper category or put it in a proper comparison to the "regular" cigarettes, which they should have done in the very beginning. All of the "ingredients" that they are screaming about in the e-cig is the EXACT SAME INGREDIENTS found in NRTs, which are AOK with the FDA and sold over the counter without a prescription.

    Look deep down into all that is being said and done by the FDA over this...and you will find their true motive behind it, and it isn't pretty. They are basically telling smokers, "quit or die".

  • Reply to: President Obama and Congress: If You Missed Wise County, Join Me in L.A.   15 years 2 months ago
    Help! How can we get people mobilized to pressure our Congress men and women to be sensitive to the real needs of millions of people? I will write my senators and representatives tonight. We need everyone else to do the same!
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter to Congress: Go Ahead, Please Make Our Day   15 years 2 months ago
    First of all I have the courage to state my name. I have CIGNA as my health insurance and my 4 year old daughter has a tracking problem with her eyes. Tracking as in they don't track at the same time or what other children tease and say "monster eyes". We've had surgery when she was 2 to help fix them, however, she goes to a specialist every 3 months to see if they are improving and if she needs another surgery. CIGNA will NOT pay for most of the bill because they say it's refraction and they only pay for refractions one time of the year, you know like when you have your yearly eye exam. CIGNA doesn't call it MEDICAL because it's a refraction examination even though her condition is MEDICAL and the REFRACTION is NEEDED for this medical condition. They are by far the worse insurance company I've ever had. So before you get too righteous, my daughter has done NOTHING WRONG other than be born with an eye defect, and if I knew who to contact to spread this all across America I would do just that. Does anyone have any information so I could help get the word out about what these insurance companies are doing to people? Thank you,
