Recent comments

  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 2 months ago
    To complain about a provider charging too much is to be naive about the entire broken system of health care in this country. Thank you for providing much-needed insight about how the insurance companies, drug companies, medical equipment companies, etc, etc, take up valuable time and re$ource$ in our health care delivery system, all of which is paid for by those who are fortunate to have insurance. Health care reform is long overdue and the scare tactics that are being employed are just that - scare tactics. They are not based in reality.
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 2 months ago
    As an industry insider myself, I can attest that what Mr Potter says is true. In my experience is as an underwriter for individual health policies, I decided whether the policy would be issued, and if so, how it would be issued. From the first week of my employment, I had conflicted feelings about what I was doing. How could I exclude coverage for asthma for a child? How could I decline people for individual policies based on pre-existing conditions? Where would they go for coverage? Either they had to have the resources to pay for a state-mandated plan which is very expensive, or they would go with no insurance. Remember America, not all of us are blessed to have group insurance through our employers !!!! There are many people who do not have this benefit and are forced to look for their own health insurance. These are the people that I saw through my work and I had to detach myself for years in my job by various rationalizations......I can't change the system.........I need a job with benefits......etc. I decided that I had sold my soul to the devil and had to get back to working in nonprofit health care which I had done for 25 years prior to the corporate insurance stint I had done. Mr Powell, do you have a job for me?
  • Reply to: President Obama and Congress: If You Missed Wise County, Join Me in L.A.   15 years 2 months ago
    Thank you Wendell, for your integrity and your courage. I hope we, the American public, win.
  • Reply to: FDA Lab Analysis Puts the Heat on E-Cigarettes   15 years 2 months ago

    "cancer-causing nitrosamines" are in bacon, beer, cosmetics, and thousands of other products.

    Take everything off of the shelf, starve and then try that arguement again. It is 100% weightless considering the fact that the FDA claims it is a "contaminate", and that means not a threat. So, if it is not a threat in one product, why is it a threat in another?

    The FDA is not an authority, it is an arm of our government that protects special interest. I would suggest that you see who they are teamed up with in this campaign and then follow the money trail.

    The smoking cessation market generates 2.3BILLION a year for the pharma companies, and they fund these special interest.

    "E-Cigarettes Will Revolutionize The Face Of Tobacco Smoking And Could Pose A Threat To the Smoking Cessation Market " Title of pharma board meeting.

    The American Cancer Society; the American Heart Association, and the American Lung Association have all had experts state that there is no proof that the e-cigarette is safe and that they may attract the youth of this nation and entice them to start smoking.The facts are that they are not the “public health officials” they are reported to be. They are in fact private foundations that are not governmental in nature and the people or “experts” as they are referred to have in the past and are present operated by funding from large pharmaceutical companies. One pharmaceutical company in particular has a money trail of 99 million from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to these three special interest groups. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has an estimated 700 million worth of stock in Johnson and Johnson, whose products are probably found in your medicine cabinet at this very moment.

    The two main points of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundations were that ”

    (1) the Foundation encouraged its grantees to be activists; (2) advocacy was emphasized to bring about policy change”, and in their own chilling words, they “provided financial support and, in particular, funds to help lobbying efforts which the Foundation could not support directly.” Then there is the title of this release where the e cigarette industry is looked upon as a threat to their revenues.

    This is just from one special interest group and one foundation. There are over 30 groups that I know of that are funded by proxy by the pharma industry. And you call e cig retailers greedy? Surely you jest!!!

    Most e cig retailers are e cig users that love the product. I am over 40 years old, and in 5 months, i dont cough, feel better, and can even RUN several flights of stairs again. I am just trying to spread the good news, and that is that there is a better alternative.

    You really need to do some research before stating that e cig retailers are "Greedy" when the facts are that the opponets of e cigs are the real ones guilty of greed to the point of trying to sentence over 400k smokers to death every year when it is obvious to any second grader that they are indeed a better alternative.

  • Reply to: Wendell Potter to Congress: Go Ahead, Please Make Our Day   15 years 2 months ago
    And I've written Mr. Obama to say as much. I pray that this option won't be scrapped from the bill. What the insurance industry obviously wants is to eliminate the public option BUT keep the mandate requiring all Americans to subscribe to some health insurance plan. Should that happen, the government will have provided the insurance industry a captive customer pool. Then they can do with us what they like, and our health and well being will be a marginal concern, if that. I am watching Mr. Moyers' program as I type this. Mr. Potter, you are the kind of American who maintains my faith in America. Thank you for your bravery and decency, and for reminding us of the power that one honest person can wield. PLEASE TRAVEL WITH BODYGUARDS. The Devil will stop at nothing. Blessings and strength to you, and thanks, thanks, thanks. Nancy McLaughlin
