Recent comments

  • Reply to: Wendell Potter to Congress: Go Ahead, Please Make Our Day   15 years 1 month ago
    You go sister! I just saw Wendell on The Rachel Maddow Show last night, and I said my hero!
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter to Congress: Go Ahead, Please Make Our Day   15 years 1 month ago
    In response to the person (no name) who tried to blame an employer for killing a 17 year old girl by refusing to cover a liver transplant...My sister is an HR person. She has a bachelor degree in Human Resources and several years experience. When complaining to her about my own experience with Humana--my cholesterol tests were being denied as interchangebly medically unnecessary and experimental, she advised me that my HR department should have selected the test for coverage. What? She explained that she picks out what is covered under her company's health plan offered to their employees. She decides. My sister's medical degree, well, she doesn't have one. My sister's experience in the medical field, a doctor's office, any medical institution at all? None. It's shameful to put people in situations where they have to choose based on cost to cover medical services-it's an impossible choice. And yet this choice is being made everyday by insurance companies. A public option would hurt only the CEO paychecks, and stockholder portfolios. But the up side, people could have liver transplants covered, oh, and cholesterol tests too. Mr. Potter, please find a way to get President Obama's attention. Thank you so much for shining the light-I'll be standing right behind you in line to sign up for a public option.
  • Reply to: An Open Letter to Nancy-Ann DeParle   15 years 1 month ago
    May I suggest that you invite the President and by association the White House press corp to one of these healthcare fairs.
  • Reply to: One Stimulus Response: Fake News   15 years 1 month ago

    I think you may be confusing two different kinds of fake news (of the many kinds out there). The FCC fines were for television stations that aired [[video news releases]], without disclosing to viewers the sponsor that paid to produce the video. This situation falls under the FCC's sponsorship identification rules, which [:node/6504|I've described previously].

    With Pentagon-related fake news -- like the [:pentagonpundits|Pentagon pundits] -- the issue is more a breach of the law banning taxpayer funds going towards domestic "propaganda or publicity" campaigns. In this case, if the law were to be enforced, it may not involve a fine at all, but a change in actions, policies and/or oversight -- which would be the most important thing to do, in my opinion.

  • Reply to: Big Insurance, Big Tobacco and You   15 years 1 month ago
    thanks for the link to to look up who's behind the names of these organizations like the League of American Voters. I also looked for and to see who is behind those nefarious groups as well, but found nothing. ;-) Keep up the good work
