Recent comments

  • Reply to: Why Do We Need Health Care Reform? Don't Ask George Will   15 years 1 month ago
    I must comment. We hear this so much! The fact is, STUFF happens. My wife suffered terrible symptoms for ten years. The doc would not go up against the insurance company and demand they pay for the tests. He told her it was stress and menopause (at age 40). After ten years of misery, my wife insisted on a battery of tests. Luckily, a radiologist reviewed another radiologist's diagnosis of a "normal" scan and found the tumors. By then, it had metastasized. Now, it costs $11,000 a month to care for her. If anyone knew then or knows now the cause of carcinoid, or neuro-endocrine, tumors, they must make that info available. Fact is, no one knows. My wife never smoked, worked out regularly, and had at most a glass of wine a week. Bad things happen to good people. This blame game is just another ploy of the insurance industry. I hope and pray to God that you do not have to deal with the misery that my wife faces every day. The reality is that you, nor anyone else, can prevent some diseases by lifestyle, prayer, or voodoo. That is why everyone must be in a national health insurance plan with a public option.
  • Reply to: CMD's Wendell Potter Interviewed by Amy Goodman   15 years 1 month ago
    Why is there no public discussion of the immorality of anything other than equitable universal care?
  • Reply to: Oil Industry Front Group Rallies for Global Warming   15 years 1 month ago

    Antarctica ice is melting due to global warming. If the sea water level rises by 50', then some some 365 million persons may lose their residences.

  • Reply to: Junk Food Industry Applies Tobacco's PR Strategies   15 years 1 month ago

    The truly sad thing about this is that Australia's antiobesity campaign is really backed by Pharma to sell more pills. And so called progressives do nothing to investigate or challenge it. If they really cared about health, they would not single out fat people (who can be just as healthy as anyone else), but emphasize that it is a nutritional crisis that can affect everyone whether they gain weight or not. Pharma's real purpose is to put so much shame and focus on fat people, they will run to the dangerous diet products. That is why in the U.S. the makers of fen-phen sponsored Koop's Shape Up America and cut funding when the dangers came out. They hide behind a message of diet and exercise knowing beyond a doubt lifestyle is only one factor in weight. Not only did this moral harping fail to reduce obesity, it killed and mained many otherwise healthy fat women. Very sad the left is so intent on demonizing big food it doesn't care about casulties. Kind of like the right and saving souls!

    p.s. According to Australian newspapers Australia is now the world's fattest nation. Which is interesting because their longevity is second only to Japan!!!

  • Reply to: An Open Letter to Nancy-Ann DeParle   15 years 1 month ago
    No doubt the LA event is a calculated move that has been planned since 2003 (see and Sneaky.
