Recent comments

  • Reply to: Wendell Potter's CNN Editorial: How Insurance Firms Drive the Debate   15 years 1 month ago
    You might want to check your facts about health care in Ireland. Our government is in deep crisis and is being forced to cut back health care on all fronts. Only the poorest in Ireland get free basic healthcare from the national health service executive. Others have to pay something. Many procedures are not available through the HSE, thus there is a private insurance market here as well. Due to the global credit crisis, more hospitals are being forced to close or facing severe funding cut-backs, waiting lists are growing. It is not at all cheery over here at the moment.
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter Warns: Co-op Kool-Aid Is Bad for Your Health   15 years 1 month ago
    Great to see Kristof's column about Wendell. I wrote this comment there in hopes of getting some more people to come over here to read all of Wendell's articles. I follow Wendell Potter's blog because his articles have a diamond cutter's expertise and a whistleblower's brave, even haunting clarity. Thank you, Mr. Kristof, for bringing him to a wider audience. What we do with public option will be the great triumph or great tragedy of this century for America. As my Canadian businessman friend said to me recently, "What the Hell is the matter with you people?"
  • Reply to: Why Do We Need Health Care Reform? Don't Ask George Will   15 years 1 month ago
    Better late than never. At least Wendell has a conscience.
  • Reply to: Bank Looting Bonuses Reported--Will the SEC Awake from Its Slumber?   15 years 1 month ago
    The honest working man in U.S gets boned, and the big mouths who run the country pretend they are doing a great job. President Obama was "hope", but now every "working" American needs to wake up too! I love the judges who stand up for your people, those who have integrity to use their authority to challenge the actions of the real thieves who will cripple the country. Do something to stop the greedy finance crowd from killing a great nation
  • Reply to: Big Insurance, Big Tobacco and You   15 years 1 month ago
    I live in the Pittsburgh, PA area and just saw the TV ad by the "League of American Voters" showing the "doctor" urging people to call Senator Arlen Specter to vote against health care reform. Are there any counter ads in the works to stop this propaganda?
