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  • Reply to: Wendell Potter Warns: Co-op Kool-Aid Is Bad for Your Health   15 years 1 month ago
    Thank you Mr. Potter for stepping up! I currently work in the industry for one of the big 7 as a claims adjuster in a specialized department. While I will never sit at the position you once did, I see the very practices you speak of every day I go to work. I do my best to educate the public about the industry and how it really works from an insider's perspective, all the while trying to do so without compromising my job or retaliation for speaking out. I never disclose Hipaa, reimbursement policies or company policy and procedure, but I feel we, the American people have a moral responsibility to take care of one another. I'm not talking about materialistic things or an "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" attitude, but rather personal well being. HEALTH BEFORE WEALTH is the way it should be. I know I personally was not put on this earth to look the other way when someone else is in need. Every day I go to work, I see the claims and names of those whose charges have been reworked for denials, whether in part or whole, but what I don't see are the faces to go with them. It saddens me, that we as a society have such a disconnect for compassion over those we do not know or cannot see. I don't want anymore Kool-Aid! I already have some given to me via my wonderful employer who seems to think, I, a single parent grossing less than 25K a year can afford the HSA they offered me with the $1300 and $3900 deductibles! I want the same coverage they get!
  • Reply to: Big Insurance, Big Tobacco and You   15 years 1 month ago
    League of American Voters is a front organization run by Dick Morris working to prevent health care reform. There are a number of front organizations who promote the causes of health care industries and big pharma etc. Jan
  • Reply to: Is Obama Planning to Sign Congress' Health Care Reform Bill with Lipstick?   15 years 1 month ago
    The revolution will not be terrorized. The answer is to stop playing the game. Step down, walk away. Your health is in your own hands and always has been. They will try to rope you in, and if you are dependent on THEM you will tie the knot yourself.
  • Reply to: Is Obama Planning to Sign Congress' Health Care Reform Bill with Lipstick?   15 years 1 month ago
    This is an article that is so relevant, so clearly written, and so right-on-the-money that it should be put out for mass media attention. But then, so should several other editorials on this website.
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter Warns: Co-op Kool-Aid Is Bad for Your Health   15 years 1 month ago
    It is reassuring that you have a voice in this debate. I am one of those of people whose life is deeply affected by our private insurance companies control of health care both on a personal and profesional basis. I also live in Georgia and my Congessman is Tom Price and my Senators are Chambliss and Isakson all of whom are taking no action that will help me solve the complex problems on my plate in any way that is desirable or really even palatable. You affirm that I am not simply cynical or worse but do understand what is going on around me. Nina Braziel
