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  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 1 month ago
    Sicko was a good movie, marred by the usual Michael Moore excesses. The concluding mendacious material about Cuba did blot an otherwise good film. I wish Moore would hire a good editor, because he opens himself up to unfair criticism of his many valid and compelling points about evils in the American health care system
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 1 month ago
    You have said you liked your colleagues at Humana and Cigna. Yes, they are not "evil" in the way that we so often imagine evil. Hannah Arendt got it exactly right: evil is mostly coomonplace and banal. The evil that is bringing our nation down is the kind you have described: decent-enough people willing to go along with evil practices, in either industry or government, in return for money and power. With fewer people like you and more people like your former colleagues, we truly are on a path heading downward, down toward a cultural decline that our fanatical Islamo-fascist enemies need only step back and watch unfold. They do not need to destroy the "great Satan." We are doing a good job of destroying ourselves. Only decent and courageous men like you stand in the way of our cultural, moral, social, and political decline. God bless you! Maybe God sends us both good men like you and also makes use of our evil Islamo-fascist enemies, who might also remind Americans of the goodness at the core of the North American experiment in self-government (which cannot survive absent virtuous citizens like you).
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter Warns: Co-op Kool-Aid Is Bad for Your Health   15 years 1 month ago
    First, Thank you, Mr.Potter, for your views from the first I was intrigued by the idea of health care co-ops, but after a little more investigation, I realized this was not even a good stop-gap measure. State run co-ops simply would not have the clout of the government in lowering costs. No wonder the insurance companies have embraced them. They offer no threat. Please continue to speak out. You have many miles to go before you truly have redeemed yourself from all the years you supported this current bankrupt system.
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter's CNN Editorial: How Insurance Firms Drive the Debate   15 years 1 month ago
    Thank you, Wendell Potter, for your voice and experience as part of this national conversation (sometimes screaming match!) about health care. No matter how badly we do at "fixing" the health care system, at least we are talking, though sometimes shouting, about a matter that should have been resolved long ago in this rich country of ours. I appreciate all you are doing, and saying. Marian Chatfield-Taylor San Francisco
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 1 month ago
    You are my hero Wendell Potter. I wish I had faith that our political leaders had the intelligence and backbone to give us good healthcare. I'm surprised that business doesn't support reform...if we all shared the cost, everyone would benefit and not be stuck paying the high price to be ruined. Thank you for fighting for us. Nancy
