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  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    Julie is at the top of her sport. Do you play golf? She is like Tiger Woods. The model pistol that you find "bizzare" is the M&P 9 JG. It has been configured to specifications that Julie has set, and the JG stand for her initials. She ( like Tiger with Nike et. al.) has the right to a portion of the profits from the sale of the gun. That is money in her pocket, shes earned it. She has decided to give all proceedes from her share, to research. Wow, shes a cold hearted gun owner.

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    Why would you take away the right of a good hearted business man who wants to do a good thing and support a great cause just because what he makes/ sells happens to be rat poison? I purchase rat poison to place around my warehouse in the winter and I would absolutely purchase a "Pinked" rat poison, to help a good cause. What do you consider bizarre about a legitimate business promoting breast cancer awareness and helping fund it prevention? Like somebody else pointed out earlier if the Breast Cancer Research people choose where they accept money from according to your sensibilities (and politics) they would be much worse off. Women of the world would be further from a cure, but you would be happy because it is better to not have a cure, the to have one funded by a legitimate business who product you deem "inappropriate". Just to clear something up AGAIN, guns dont kill, people do. A gun left to its own devices is not harmful. Breast cancer left alone does kill, but choosing to not accept money destined to help fight breast cancer only lets the disease kill more women.

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    I've got an aunt who's firearm very much did prevent domestic abuse.

    Because she shot her boyfriend dead when he came at her with a knife.

    Ann, the idea that Martial Arts is a viable means of self defense is laughable. When the FBI compiled statistics on how likely one was to avoid injury when victimized in a violent crime, physically resisting without a weapon was the single least effective means. People who fought back unarmed were more likely to be killed or injured than people who fought back with a knife, blunt object, people who surrendered and didn't resist, people who used pepper sprays or stun guns, or people who displayed a firearm (whether they used it or not).

    The firearm is the only method of self defense that is safer than just letting the attacker victimize you.

    Besides, speaking as a 200 lb male who has martial arts experience, a novice my size will defeat a 130 lb expert almost every time. The weight and power disparity is not a surmountable disadvantage.

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    I will take your percieved irony and raise you 2x irony. The terrorist's assault was stopped by someone with a firearm.

    Unfortunately for the victims of this terrorist attack on a military base, they are flatly prohibited from carrying personal firearms aboard a government installation to protect themselves from such an attack. It's the same "soft target" for a mind-set criminal as a public school. Nobody is carrying a firearm but the terrorist, therefore, his likelihood for "success" in his goal for slaughtering multiple targets is greatly increased.

    Your irrational fear of guns is understandable given the fact that your conditioning as a "open-minded, rational liberal" has been exceptionally effective. If you ever come to South Texas, my wife and I would love to introduce you and educate you about the safe and proper handling and use of firearms. If you would like, I can also direct you toward someone in your own neighborhood who is a certified (dare I scare you more with a simple acronym?) NRA instructor and who can introduce you to firearms in a safe and productive manner. You have my email attached to this note.

    Breast cancer is a threat to women the world over. Terrorists and criminals are too. If you would just open your mind to understand that firearms are much more like chemotherapy than any of your other half-baked analogies (they can both kill or cure, depending upon how they are used), your world might be a better, safer place. People might also take you more seriously and less offensively.

    Good evening.

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    Ms. Landman,
