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  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    Wow you are some progressive. You are not only against an American company donating to help save women from breast cancer, you are also against a women defending herself from being raped.

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    ...Just one more indicator that people intend to use guns to kill.

    Anne Landman

  • Reply to: Mystery DNA Found in Monsanto's Soybeans   14 years 11 months ago

    Monsanto patch-worked the results of experiments with analyses that are full of holes, and manipulated the results. They even requested the revision and lowering of safety standards. The Nagoya University team discovered facts showing inadequate and incomplete safety assessment in the application document by Monsanto. The process of genetic recombination and the results of other animal experiments remained uninspected by the team.

    In May 2000, Monsanto informed countries importing US soybeans that Roundup resistant soybeans had two extra gene fragments in the genome. They were there when the US FDA gave the initial approval to the GE soybeans in 19 92. All the GE soybeans supplied worldwide contain these gene fragments. Monsanto asserts that these fragmented genes do not create unknown proteins.

    But for such basic facts to come to light eight years after the approval is a clear indication of how incomplete is the state of knowledge about the genetic recombination of crops.. It also demonstrates how dangerous it is for governments to rely on a commercial company's information for data and safety assessments. We question the wisdom of experts at the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare who concluded that the genetically engine ered Roundup Ready soybean was safe, based on such an inadequate and incomplete application.

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    There are a lot of women who have used a firearm in self defense against abusive spouses, stalkers or home invasions. The information is out there. Before you say that someone cant back it up with FACT. You might want to check into it yourself. Here is one place you might find some info.

  • Reply to: Marketing to Fear: Cocoa Krispies Boost Your Kids' Immunity?   14 years 11 months ago

    Most of the breakfast cereals marketed to kids are loaded with sugar and refined carbohydrates. It's amusing that the would market them as having immune boosting properties--especially considering our current problems with childhood obesity.
