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  • Reply to: Lessons in Legislative Manipulation From the Tobacco Industry   14 years 10 months ago
    The tobacco industry's efforts are egregious, but I think it unlikely that any legislation is free of "outside" involvement. The following article describes what happens in the Senate Judiciary Committee: V. F. Nourse & J. S. Schacter, "The Politics of Legislative Drafting: A Congressional Case Study." New York University Law Review 77(2): 575-624, 2002.
  • Reply to: Geithner, AIG, Goldman: The Story that Keeps on Ticking   14 years 10 months ago
    The use of government money to bail out banks at a loss to the taxpayers angers the public, but there are more hidden and serious costs to letting people like Geithner control federal policy. The mindset of these investment bankers sees economic recovery as the continuation of the wild unrestrained financial manipulations that have made the rich richer and the poor poorer. Obama has let a pack of Republicans run the economy. Some sort of fiscal sanity has to be injected into the system by the government, otherwise the country will loose its position as a productive nation and its currency will be debased to a point that everyone will suffer from its loss of value. The prospect of the US defaulting on its debt seems absurd only because the illusions of these Wall Street people are being belched out daily by a media machine that cannot think otherwise. Investment banks and wall street traders need some tough controls that are crafted by people outside the system who care for the nation as a whole.
  • Reply to: And, Now for Something French (Wendell Takes on "The World")   14 years 10 months ago
    Wow! This article hits on all the key issues. I'm going to do a formal translation--as soon as I finish making the Thanksgiving pies. And last week I heard Stan Brock of Remote Area Medical-- who directs the free clinic(s) mentioned in the article. Potter's life-changing epiphany came about when he saw desperate Americans lining up for needed care. Single Payer supporter--Louisville, KY (home of Humana)
  • Reply to: U.S. Skeptic Has a European Outing   14 years 10 months ago

    who knows what to believe. There have been more record lows set this decade than any decade in ?, and you want me to believe the globe is getting warmer? I believe it is all a farce, but I don't know who benefits. Historically these farces have been an avenue to raise taxes and make some small entity rich.

  • Reply to: The Cato Institute's Generous Funding of Patrick Michaels   14 years 10 months ago
    There is more than one effect that leads to changes in climate. A climate model must factor in all of these. Effects can dominate other effects, and such modelling is extremely difficult. The point is that one can only properly account for the current warming with the inclusion of Greenhouse Gases released since the industrial revolution. Note the qualifier in the statement. Tectonic time scales are not 10 to 30 years. For a more clear point CO2 is an efficient re-radiator of infrared radiation. One simply performs a shell integration over the atmosphere, and it becomes clear that the net radiated away from the earth decreases, as the amount of CO2 is increased.
