Recent comments

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 10 months ago

    Anne Landman will not be broken so stop trying. She is just like Rosie O . I'll bet she thinks her home security system works just like it does on TV! She probably believes that the bad guy will just run away and the proper response is to run to her ringing phone instead of her home defense gun. She is a product of her environment and she will not be changed unless she opens up her mind and actually starts reading history books. Sad :(

  • Reply to: U.S. Skeptic Has a European Outing   14 years 10 months ago

    The release of these emails should not change anything. Either the methods that verify global warming are valid or not valid. If they are not valid then explain why. These leaked emails did not change anything. They provide no insight into methodological weakness.

    To put it another way. If you found out, through leaked emails that Stephen Hawking was a neo-nazi who planned to dance of Einteins grave you have no reason to doubt the validity of the BHIP as a problem. Even if described the method he employed as a "trick". It is either valid or invalid for some specific reason.

    Furthermore, Global Warming does not say that record lows won't be set. That is related to weather and not Climate. Even if climate gets 7 degrees warming, there is nothing to say that record lows won't be set somewhere. It is like taken a classical approach to a quantum problem. Completely invalid and leads you to a flawed conclusion.

    There are no definite winners if action is taken on global warming, because there are not any really well established industries. Solar, Wind and other renewables are growing, but they are tiny when compared to the groups that stand to lose if action is taken on global warming. So perhaps a better way to approach the problem is to consider that G.W. is fact, and to see who benefits by deny this. This makes the benefits question easy, and obvious.

  • Reply to: Tobacco Companies Blow Smoke in Washington's Face -- Again!   14 years 10 months ago

    Smoking Bans and the extortion taxes accompanying them are not about any concern for smoking. It's about the money. It's always been about the money.

    Is the Anti-Tobacco crowd really so desperate that they would claim that pipe tobacco, which has been flavored for 500 years is something newly created specifically to entice juveniles to smoke? Clearly, they are.
    Whats worse is the majority of simpletons (in Washington) that actually believe this crap.

    The perception of collusion between Non-profit organizations, Public Health agencies, Pharmaceutical companies, and paid professional lobbyist can not be easily dismissed. Except of course, by the media,
    The ever oblivious media. There are no reporters left in the world that seek the truth, they only seek pulitzers, the truth no longer matters,

    We can only hope that the evidence of fraud will eventually be brought to light and result in lenghty prison sentences for the treasonous promoters of such liberty killing legislation.

  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: How Corporate PR Works to Kill Health Care Reform   14 years 10 months ago
    It is kind to call it PR, because as you have so clearly pointed out, <a href="">it is actually massive propaganda</a>, the seeds of which were begun about the time of WW I.
  • Reply to: Geithner, AIG, Goldman: The Story that Keeps on Ticking   14 years 10 months ago
    Seems to me, Eliot Spitzer was on the scent of this, which led to his political demise. Reference his article in Slate 'The Real AIG Scandal It's not the bonuses. It's that AIG's counterparties are getting paid back in full.' By Eliot Spitzer; Posted Tuesday, March 17, 2009, at 10:41 AM ET as a starting point. It's pretty obvious that the Banks/Wall St./The Fed are running the politicians (and subsequently "our" government), not the other way around.
