Recent comments

  • Reply to: Geithner, AIG, Goldman: The Story that Keeps on Ticking   14 years 10 months ago
    I agree with you, and I believe that Spitzer was probably run out before the crash so they could get away with it ! I think he needs to come back and throw all those bozo's on wall street in jail for what they've done !! How dare they play with our economy like that, and shame on Obama for letting them get away with it !!
  • Reply to: The Insurance Industry's Lethal Bottom Line -- and a Solution From Sens. Franken and Rockefeller   14 years 10 months ago
    I'm 46 years old and have been a lifelong democrat, but the fiasco that has taken place on the health care reform front has been a travesty ! The dems are weak at best and are so worried about their re-election that they forget who gave them their power...THE PEOPLE!! The republicans are'nt much better with their lies and deceitful ways to stop change at any cost. I for one am sick and tired of these politicians doing whatever they please to suit their needs and the needs of their true constituents...WALL STREET !!! I call on anyone that reads this to turn over ANY INCUMBENT in their state that has been their for more than two terms !! We need term limits on these people. It's time for term limits. No more of these people staying in their for a lifetime and doing the bidding of big business and wall street. I call for a national referendum to let the people decide on term limits. My guess is that if we did have that referendum, the people would say TERM LIMITS !!!
  • Reply to: Lessons in Legislative Manipulation From the Tobacco Industry   14 years 10 months ago
    Anyone who, in serious and formal discussion, calls the cigarette industry "tobacco companies", or who allows that typical cigarettes are tobacco or just tobacco, inadvertently or purposefully supports the cigarette industry and, perhaps especially, their adulterants suppliers. Some of those entities are suppliers of any of about 450 tobacco pesticides, radiation from certain still legal phosphate fertilizers, pharmaceutical firms' flavorings and preservatives and sweeteners etc, chlorine industries and their chlorine-bleached paper and their pesticides, agricultural firms with many non-tobacco (and non-organic) additives, and all of their insurers and investors. That's a lot to ignore. To leave that out of the discussion is to be either abysmally ignorant and dangerously inexpert in the field, or to be a willing agent of the cigarette cartel...working to scapegoat natural plants, and duped and Guinea-pigged victims, for crimes that involve millions upon millions of diseases and deaths...not to mention the costs. Search up :"Fauxbacco" for more...and also "Bill Drake Smoke and Illusion". Tobacco plants and "smoking" aren't the big killers....toxic and carcinogenic industries are.
  • Reply to: And, Now for Something French (Wendell Takes on "The World")   14 years 10 months ago
    tant il y a eu de beaux changements de société dans les dernières décénnies, tant les crosseurs de ce monde ont prit du momentum thanks to the center for media and democracy/Mr Potter/le monde/le monde diplomatique/few others uncorrupted, fairness seekers, human life and earth loving individuals and organizations for their tremendous work
  • Reply to: Hate for the Holidays   14 years 10 months ago

    you're an idiot.
