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  • Reply to: Texas Spins History, Again   14 years 6 months ago
    Being amazed today is not a hard thing to do. The cons are out and about to run us screaming nuts. Yes the right is in power for the good ole boys in Texas cut a wide swath to pick up big checks from our communed held wealth. Those fat cats could care less about the children in Texas for to them our kids are just fodder for them to eat. And the clowns abound down here in Texas they run the gambit from being totally nuts to on the edge of being put in a straight jacket. Some of the worst are in Congress, others sit as our Judges, and Rick Perry does a good job of taking care and passing the money bucket around to his big buds. Our children get new text books each year--- I suppose history needs to get a new spin maybe leave a few things out along the way that does not work or sit well with those in power. How’s about new math books has math changed much in the last 2,000 years?
  • Reply to: Who Is Bankrolling the League of American Voters?   14 years 6 months ago

    god can't save you when you're busy being ignorant and mired in fear

  • Reply to: Texas Spins History, Again   14 years 6 months ago
    I really appreciate your note and the notes of others who have weighed in. I think you're right that textbooks are probably too small for everything to be included that should be in there. At the same time, with every aspect of history and teaching, it seems, being disputed, textbooks are probably too big a space for what little there is with agreement any more. And, you make a great point about online learning being the future. I just hope that somewhere in the curriculum or at home kids are taught to question assertions, investigate facts, and analyze the differences between opinion and evidence as well as discern fallacious reasoning in superficially appealing claims, regardless of politics. Also, I didn't mean to pick on Texas this week! I was there just last month, again, and met some wonderful concerned citizens and super-nice people. Just the confluence of the Board of Ed actions and Dick Armey in the news again.... Thanks for reading and joining in the conversation! Lisa
  • Reply to: Texas Spins History, Again   14 years 6 months ago
    .... while the rest of the world moves forward, the USA steps back. Again. Sucks to be you, and particularly sucks to be your children.
  • Reply to: Texas Spins History, Again   14 years 6 months ago
    I think this story I just stumbled upon is one sided. You should have been at the hearings. It was full of people and everyone had their own opinions. Everything can't be put in print. The real problem here is textbooks. You see if we quit going with textbooks and give every kid a laptop and free ISP and put everything (links) online through a State database, it would allow all the info to be read. As it stands we still use books which is just silly. There is just not enough room in a book anymore for everyone to agree with what we teach our kids. Get over it.
