Recent comments

  • Reply to: Corporation Enters Race for Congress   14 years 6 months ago

    I'm going to go down to the registrar's office and register my incorporated business to vote. It's only right, right? Small businesses are corporate people too! Hats off to you, Murray Hill. I am so sick of corporate america as our shadow government.

  • Reply to: Texas Spins History, Again   14 years 6 months ago
    Go, Lisa! Anon is just another right wing troll, who has a job keeping 'orthodoxy' safe on the ever erasable internet. We know they're lying, they know they're lying, and they know that we know they're lying. Then they proudly lie, telling us 'I have MY version of reality, reality be damned!' The repugs are against an educated population, 'cos it interferes with repug power and profit. Anything they can do, to short circuit education or throw a monkey wrench into the works, they will do. And if they can steal some taxpayer money while promoting nazi know nothing ideology - like Lamar Alexander does with Whittle / Channel 1; or Neil and Bar bush do with Excite; or text publishers do with 'Intelligent Design' in Kansas, Dover, PA, or Texas - well, that's just a little lagnaippe for them, just an added bonus on top of their primary goal of destroying public education and crushing the unionized intelligensia who toil to help young Americans become smarter.
  • Reply to: Disney's Iron-Fisted Marketing to Kids   14 years 6 months ago

    There we can see the growing tentacles of capitalism...maybe soon our children will not be able to live happily ever again. Because because they will be forcibly transformed into robots within a community of mass-consumption.

  • Reply to: Waiter, There Is Toxic Sludge in my Organic Soup!   14 years 6 months ago
    That's just pure evil, they shouldn't mislead people like that. toxic sludge should be seen as just that, toxic.
  • Reply to: "Texas Tea" Party: Dick Armey Distorts History   14 years 6 months ago
    Most folks I know understand what the tea party was about. And those using that name today have not a clue or they would change it. But some on the right are so ready to fight they could care less with who. See the right votes with their checkbook many of us on the left try to rely on our conscience but looks like we got that wrong last time. But maybe some day we might have a better selection to choose from. Yes Old tricky Dick Armey is just one hell of a trickster. Those in the Tea party movement have not got a clue how much money that CON ARTIST IS making and that is before he gets his bigger than life checks from David Rockefeller. The KING OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER David Rockefeller has many con artist like Armey laying low to do his bidding. Now if you think I am wrong just watch some of the worst of all worst people on the planet and get on our AIR WAVES and spout their crap. And who pays for all of that YEP Ole crooked as a dog’s hind leg David Rockefeller. Got to keep dumbing us down best as he can.
