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  • Reply to: Texas Spins History, Again   14 years 6 months ago
    This would be really sad if they actually made kids LEARN anymore, but they don't, so it doesn't really matter.
  • Reply to: Texas Spins History, Again   14 years 6 months ago
    One could argue that politicization of education is an inevitable consequence of public schools with electable school boards; but school board members can and should both show restraint in acting on their own biases and defer to experts when formulating curricula. In this case, the Texas school board did neither. It is not the job of public schools to teach morality, but rather reading, writing, and arithmetic. Personal responsibility for one's actions shouldn't be taught at school; it is something that parents must teach at home, or that should be taught at church.
  • Reply to: Waiter, There Is Toxic Sludge in my Organic Soup!   14 years 6 months ago
    SFPUC claims to use organic compost in the scientific sense. Not only that but it claims composting kills all disease causing organisms (pathogens). However, it uses a fraudulent high heat test method which causes >97% of the E. coli in compost to go dormant. The scientific claim is that only E. coli from humans will survive at the elevated temperature of the fecal coliform test which enumerates less than <3% of the E. coli in the compost. EPA has acknowledged that any gram negative bacteria (animal, plant or soil) will produce gas and/or acid at the high temperature is designated fecal coliform. Research on Salmonella in compost by the Los Angeles County Sanitation Department in 1981 state, "Optimal recoveries in the low bacteria sample occurred at the 21% moisture level at 28 to 360C after a 5-day incubation. The population increased more than four orders of magnitude under these conditions. The indigenous salmonellae initiating this growth had survived in a desiccated state for over 1 year prior to providing the proper moisture-temperature combination for the repopulation to occur. --- as long as a demonstrated potential exists for repopulation of salmonellae in a commercial soil amendment product produced from composted sludge, a potential health hazard exists for the user." In 1988 compost research, LA Sanitation Depart. stated, "Although the use of sludge as a soil amendment is attractive, it is not without potential health risks. Toxic chemicals, including heavy metals and industrial organics, may enter the food chain and present long-term health risks." The plague causing bacteria Yersinia (pestis?) was consistently found in static pile compost. CDC authorities state, "Outbreaks in people still occur in rural communities or in cities." significant increases in bacterial populations, including salmonellae, occurred during subsequent production of commercial soil amendment products. Not only that, but "Efforts to characterize major unknown organic components were limited to computer comparisons of GC/MS peaks to the NBS mass spectral library. In none of the cases was a tentative identification made. Manual review of those components with a high degree of fit with an NBS library compound (>8O%) allowed probable compound class assignment for many peaks. Virtually all of the major components classified appeared to be aliphatics or carboxylic acid type compounds. A majority of the sample extracts exhibited a hydrocarbon "hump" in the ion chromatograms. The peaks reviewed, therefore, were superimposed on this background. As a result, a significant portion of the major peaks were multi-component peaks whose identities remain completely unknown.
  • Reply to: Texas Spins History, Again   14 years 6 months ago
    This is not the first time american history textbooks have been re-written to either leave out important information and include fictitious or one sided accounts of half truths to further propaganda and mind control. They'll only teach children what they want them to learn to ensure they grow up to be the kind of people who will vote a certain way, buy certain products and continue to be brainwashed to become racist, god fearing, gun carrying misogynists. What's new? What happens when they go (if they even make it) to college? Are they going to be able to keep up in American History class with all the other facts or is history going to be changed again and again to pacify those already lied to? Or will history's accounts become what the word ''reality'' (as in reality TV being actually scripted and not real at all) has become? Don't learn this because even though it's factual, it's not my opinion it will be to your best interest. We're teaching children that it's okay to leave out information (basically lying) as long as it's negative? There are always different sides to a story, is history just another opinion or side to the story anyway and shouldn't there be a choice to which story is the truth? Kids are smarter than you think and just because a history event is negative doesn't mean they can't handle the truth. The truth is they are in danger being at school in the first place. What does these books say about NRA and what does the NRA say about Columbine- if it's even in these books? Why isn't there more focus on the American History Textbooks that already have these falsities in them? What if these kids are not as stupid as the school board makes them out to be and what if they get their information from other sources (as they often do today with the internet) and they challenge these textbooks? Will this urge more parents to send their children into alternative schools or home school? I'd like to see if these books say anything about the alleged 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'' and the fact that the US generates these weapons. Youtube "drunk history"- where you can probably get a better depiction of truth from than these books.
  • Reply to: Texas Spins History, Again   14 years 6 months ago
    Of course there are unintended consequences, just look at the disaster that is named "no child left behind," but maybe some of those consequences actually were intended. Seriously, though, the dark consequences of Title IX are what, funding for both girls and boys basketball or a little less funding for extra football coaches so girls can play soccer? Talk about sore losers and cry babies. And, I never mentioned Hayek. As for the NRA, it's not clear by which criteria interest groups get into or out of the list for inculcation. I'm not a card carrying member but I grew up shooting and have damn straight aim, but does the right to bear arms include the right to build bombs or missiles--that question has been raised in legal opinions--and if not then what is the test for regulation. Certainly from a membership and money standpoint it's a big and influential group, with some leaders who have stood up for liberty in other areas, like Bob Barr, but it's repeated misinformation campaigns that Obama or Gore were going to take away people's firearms are just fear tactics utterly devoid of facts. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be mentioned in history books. If you can tolerate ensuring the downside of Title IX is underscored (as if it's some sort of "fair and balanced" tit for tat rather than proportionate to the benefits versus the costs, will you tolerate the downside or flipside of the NRA or Phyllis? I doubt it. Poor anonymous. I'm sure your history books were just filled with liberal teachings like terms of presidents, wars and major battles. That "liberal" bias just skewed your education, I'm sure. The poor right-wing with its boogeymen of liberal secondary education history books. And, if the dentist were spearheading a re-write of the history of the dental arts, I might have more sympathy....
