Recent comments

  • Reply to: Hadji Girl   14 years 6 months ago
    all we have done is followed some misguided guides who cant be trusted the solders or anyone have a brain to understand right or wrong wot they do is for money. It is time to throw these rich misguided people out of the power and let the civillians rule .no bush no blair no obama no army just one power civillian power civiliian leaders civillian rule .had enough of these corupted soldier mps leaders who only destroy for money power fame and pleasure . Thats the truth.they all soldiers politicians leaders should pay for all theyve done .u guys watch my is gonna be reality and that us civillians will come united and give u wot u deserve civillians of the world united coming united. If u do the crime u do the time law is equall for all even for solders cause they have a brain to judge between right and wrong.wot they do for money for pleasure for own ego all should be put to trail.
  • Reply to: FreedomWorks/Tea Party Leader Dick Armey Lobbied for Terrorist Group   14 years 6 months ago


    MEK achieved its original purpose when, working with followers of Ayatollah Khomeini, the group staged the Islamic revolution, seized the American Embassy in Tehran and sent the Shah into exile. MEK later allied itself with Saddam Hussein to undermine the Islamic government of Iran.

    is complete total and absolute nonsense. The MEK participated in the revolution yes. They participated as a small left-wing organisation by in an overwhelmingly conservative society. To claim that a group founded by three Marxists whose mixture of Marxism and a distinctly heterodox version of Islam:

    "staged the Islamic revolution"

    is complete and total nonsense and utterly at variance with the facts.

    As is this:

    "seized the American Embassy in Tehran "

    Wrong, not just wrong but hilariously wrong, ludicrously wrong:

    The people who did that were very far indeed from being sympathisers or members of the MEK, They were sympathisers of and members of the Basij and the group that subsequently became the revolutionary guard. That particular group includes Iran's current president.

    "and sent the Shah into exile"

    Oh please the MEK did that? Really there's only one possible reaction and it's this bwaaaahahahahahahahahaha.

    I've no doubt that Dick Armey has all sorts of unsavoury clients and he strikes me as pretty unsavoury himself but you've weaken your credibility rather a lot by failing to engage in some very basic fact checking about the MEK.


  • Reply to: Texas Spins History, Again   14 years 6 months ago
    History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon. -Napoleon Bonaparte. By that he sees history as lies. Don't worry buddies, this happens everywhere.
  • Reply to: Texas Spins History, Again   14 years 6 months ago
    I am glad I graduated high school before they did that crap here in Oklahoma. I got a great history education at OCCC that they would consider "liberal bias". Screw Texas. I wish they would secede from the Union so the rest of our kids in other states don't get brain washed by their right wing propaganda.
  • Reply to: Front Group King Rick Berman Gets Blasted by his Son, David Berman   14 years 6 months ago
    Here's the thing: truth is not a competition. And that is what Richard Berman's work is about. Outcompeting truth. It doesn't matter what is true, what matters is what most people believe. And Richard Berman makes a lot of money propping up others who make a lot of money from people who 1) don't care what the truth is because they're ignorant of it yet, and 2) don't care what the truth is if their truth is keeping them comfortable, and 3) need to subscribe to "free speech" and ideology, because, after all, truth is a marketplace that depends only how many people believe something. Somewhere in American history someone confused many values that are older than time and subordinated them to a very foggy concept of "freedom," branded it as American and anything else as un-American, and thus linked it to a machine that subsequently only works to enslave almost everybody. One might as well throw oneself against the gears and the levers. Richard Berman just wants to operate them.
