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  • Reply to: Toxic Sludge Taints the White House   14 years 6 months ago
    In articles last year it was reported that the WH gardener had told MO about the sludge problem...and was ignored. There was an interview with him in one of the LSM...which has since disappeared...and now the only interview left was a denial that he had ever told MO about the problem. Lots of things seem to be disappearing lately. Is this the "change we can count on"? I think that gardener did announce his retirement in the last interview. Who knows? It gets "curiouser and curiouser".
  • Reply to: Toxic Sludge Taints the White House   14 years 6 months ago
    Great, eye-opening article on sludge and the toxic events that take place under the radar of the average American. If sludge is not okay for organic produce, why is it okay for regular produce? It all has to do with what the industry is able to get away with while no one is paying attention. A strong argument for buying organic, and investigating your own soil.
  • Reply to: John Boehner "Hell No You Can't" Video Mashup Making Waves   14 years 6 months ago

    This will make a great ad for the mid term elections in Ohio and perhaps across the country :)

  • Reply to: Toxic Sludge Taints the White House   14 years 6 months ago
    One lobbyist against another, fact is, human, hospital and industrial waste all mixed together and put on the garden. Tha's fine for roses and grass but not for vegetables. The white house is a reflection of the nation, seems to me a nation of mushrooms kept in the dark and fed on poo funded by the big corporations all packaged up in something called "democracy".
  • Reply to: The Mercenaries Previously Known as Blackwater   14 years 6 months ago

    Okay. If you haven't seen these clowns roughing up locals and taking pot shots at anything that moves (or doesn't), shouting "Sand Nigger" from the windows of their 'bomb proof' BMW's, bragging about their "i'm going home rich" money, and generally leaving a trail of hate and crap that our boys have to deal with when they've left, then don't venture to offer your authoritative conclusion that these guys are "heroes". I have a kid who has been there to clean up after their mess - he's been through the whole deal - regular service, not National Guard - so I think I have a better picture than maybe you do - but don't take my word for it.

    Talk to a soldier who has served over there - not an officer, but a noncom or below. They will probably not talk about it, but if they do, they will tell the truth - and you'll not hear the word 'hero' referring to a merc. Not from the real heroes.

    The fact is that the Geneva Convention outlaws mercenaries in any fighting or fighting function. But Erik Prince had great connections at the Bush White House, and apparently still has them with Obama. So despite the fact that we are breaking the Convention, the US finds it convenient to use "contractors" like these idiots to handle stuff that the military would have to answer for. These guys have contractual immunity, and that is why they have managed to avoid prosecution in at least 6 incidents that would have had our boys up for murder charges (some multiple). But they do provide plausible deniability to the higher ups.

    You guys at home get the US press version of everything . If you want to know what happens when mercs run loose, check out the Israeli or Arab press. Despite their opposite ideological poles, they are BOTH outraged at what Blackwater and their ilk get away with here. Of course, by now, most of the countries over here are in negotiation with Blackwater over one contract or another. If you can't defend yourself against them, just hire them for more cash. They are mercenaries, after all, and if they are heroes, they are heroes to the highest bidder, not any national interest.
