Recent comments

  • Reply to: It's an "Educational" Ad (Wink, Wink)   14 years 6 months ago

    The California Chamber of Commerce was forced to pull these ads over this controversy, but the whole affair may indicate what we may see more of as we get closer to the 2010 elections.

    Anne Landman

  • Reply to: Burning Tires: Illinois' "Renewable Energy"?   14 years 6 months ago

    I am outraged that the burning of tires is even BEING CONSIDERED as an energy-producing option; it is devastating to the environment and agricultural areas surrounding incineration sites. Not to mention people and their children! This cannot be tolerated. All eyes, laws and investments should be turned to TRULY CLEAN energy like solar, wind and hydrogen!
    This absurdity will not become our reality.

  • Reply to: Philip Morris Pushing Smoking Hard in Foreign Countries   14 years 6 months ago
    Anyone, even the WHO, who says that "smoking" is the problem is unwittingly, or intentionally, working to pass blame for the plague of illnesses onto the victims for their behavior. That is scapegoating. To do this is to ignore that typical (VERY non-organic) cigarettes are contaminated with residues of any of hundreds of tobacco pesticides, carcinogenic levels of radiation (PO-210) from the still legal use of certain phosphate fertilizers, dioxin-creating chlorine substances (pesticides and chlorine-bleached paper), added burn accelerants, any of over 1000 untested (often toxic) non-tobacco additives, addiction-enhancing additives, and kid-attracting sweets and flavors galore. What alchemy can put all that together to come up with just "tobacco"? In any case, many brands may contain not a shred of tobacco but, instead, "tobacco substitute material" made in patented ways from all sorts of industrial waste cellulose, all flavored, colored, scented, texturized, and dosed with nicotine to create the illusion of tobacco. It is interesting that even the most zealous opponent (ostensibly) of the cigarette industry does not charge the industry with fraud. Few Guinea-pigged, secretly-poisoned smokers know about this. They believe and are told that they are just using tobacco. The smoke is, often wrongly, called “environmental tobacco smoke”. They believe that public regulators and public health officials are human beings who would never allow such harms. Many others seem to believe, wrongly, that tobacco (itself, without adulterants) has been tested and proven to be the sole cause of all the diseases and deaths. No published studies note what was studied, be it adulterated tobacco, fake tobacco, or plain tobacco. Medical science is just too tight with various parts of the cigarette cartel (chlorine, pharmaceuticals, insurance, etc.) to do honest research. The entire seemingly "nice" and "progressive" anti-smoking campaign is an attempt to save the cigarette makers, and their ingredient suppliers, and their investors (including health insurance firms), from the potentially biggest liability suits and corporate criminal charges in history. The campaign is about saving the "good name" of chlorine...even though virtually all so-called "smoking related" diseases are identical to effects of dioxin exposure. (Dioxins are from industrial chlorine, impossible to be from tobacco or any plant.) The campaign is about taking yet another un-patentable, public-domain plant from the public for the sake of pharmaceuticals that hope to replace it with patented synthetic nicotine delivery products. And, it's about public officials hoping to seem as if they care about health and "clean air" even though they were the gate keepers on whose watch millions, if not billions, of people unwittingly poisoned themselves with what are better called "Pesticide Pegs", "Dioxin Dowels", or "Radiation Rods". It would be a good thing if Uruguay put some of that wording on its cigarette labels. Not on the plain tobacco products, of course. Above details are easily referenced by simple searches for relevant terms--- "pesticides tobacco", "radiation tobacco", "dioxin chlorine", "GAO tobacco pesticides", etc.
  • Reply to: Media Feeds Americans Fake News About Afghanistan   14 years 6 months ago
    [ Gardēz] is in Paktiya province, which is also spelled "Paktia." The map is correct. Anne Landman
  • Reply to: The Money Behind the Climate Change Skeptics Conference   14 years 6 months ago
    That humans are causing global warming is the position of the Academies of Science from 19 countries plus many scientific organisations that study climate science. More specifically, 97% of climate scientists actively publishing climate papers endorse the consensus position.
