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  • Reply to: Beyond Advertising: The Pharmaceutical Industry's Hidden Marketing Tactics   14 years 3 months ago
    The last time a cure was found for a disease was 1959. Dr. Johas Salk Developed the vaccine for polio. He was just one man. Since that time, hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on disease. Not for a cure, but for drug treatment only. A cure would put big pharmaceutical companies out of business. It should be the job of a physician to prescribe the best treatments to a patient, instead of patients asking doctors to prescribe these drugs to them. By advertising these drugs, the pharmaceutical companies are involving themselves in a legal drug trade that is killing thousands of people every day. Many of these drugs, such as Chantix, Floxin, and Viagra have proven deadly. It is time this unethical marketing ceases. Statistics prove prescription drugs are 16,400% more deadly than terrorists. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 1998, a report finds that prescription drugs kill about 106,000 Americans each year – that’s three times as many as are killed by automobiles—making prescription drug death the fourth leading killer after heart disease, cancer and stroke. the Journal of the American Medical Association puts death from all drugs, illegal and prescription, second only behind car accidents as a cause of death. The rise in deaths coincides with the direct marketing of prescription medication to the public. Prescription drug sales have soared nearly 500 percent since 1990. The pharmaceutical industry is a multi-trillion dollar business. Companies spend billions on advertising and promotions for prescription drugs. Pharmaceutical companies claim their drug ads are "educational" to the public. The public seems to genuinely believe that drugs advertised on TV are safe, in spite of the plethora of side effects listed. Many of these drugs have proven deadly. Every day it’s estimated 2,500 teens abuse a prescription pain killer for the first time. It's killing our kids. It's time the end this.
  • Reply to: The Pentagon's Pundits   14 years 3 months ago

    You know what makes me the most upset about all of this? The fact that people are only held accountable if it's convenient, or if they aren't playing some bigger role to a crooked politician!

  • Reply to: Will the Department of Education Crack Down on For-Profit Colleges?   14 years 3 months ago
    I have been growing more and more against traditional school just for this reason. It seems that these institutions are charging way too much and people are graduating with debt that is ridiculously unmanagable. Plus, no matter where you go, you still have to start at the bottom of the pecking order which means low pay until you can really prove yourself. People are fed these promises of increased income and deceived leading them into increased debt. There is absolutely no need for many of these colleges to be charging that much money. They should be positioned to build people up not break them down to complete financial ruin. Okay... I'm going on a tangent now! But seriously, the most useful skills I have ever learned that have brought me real income have not come from these traditional schools that charge 100 grand for a piece of paper that basically says you are now officially qualified to become another cog in the system.
  • Reply to: The Latest on Rick Berman, Attack Dog Extraordinaire   14 years 3 months ago
    It's hard to believe a PRWatch subscriber actually defending the ethics of Berman and his attack sites. Praising CCF and HumaneWatch, and repeating its industry-fed lies? Seriously?
  • Reply to: BP's Government-Approved, Fake Spill Response Plan   14 years 3 months ago

    It is difficult to believe that a contingency on such a scale could not "regulated" by higher authorities and to be allowed process. There's more oversight given for obtaining a Government arts grant!
