Recent comments

  • Reply to: Israel's Spin Machine: It Keeps Spinning, and Spinning, and Spinning   14 years 3 months ago
    Agreed/ This website reckons it is non-partisan - see the about us - and yet Steve Horns article is nothing by pro Hamas, antisemitic fiction. After I looked at the "about Us" section I saw that the author is little more than a graduate, a bit naive and unworldy perhaps. I know being pro-Hamas is meant to be cool among young people, but realy PR Watch - you are just as bad as the "spin" you say you expose...the whole Gaza Flotilla debacle was a masterful piece of spin xcontrived by Hamas!
  • Reply to: Old "News" About Untapped Afghan Minerals   14 years 3 months ago
    On-going instability in Afghanistan serves the West well. While the nation's on it's knees steal it's resources. Wonderful strategy. Peace will never come to Afghanistan until the West is actually serious about it. And it doesn't take wealth to bring peace. The minerals have remained in the ground because the Afghans haven't needed them. Before the Russian invasion they were completely self-sufficient - food, shelter, clothing. They didn't need anything else. Now they need money to rebuild their country. Can they, with guidance from the US (who want's its own share) do it sustainably, without corruption? Hmmm, more trouble ahead I feel. One thing is sure we can count on the US and its mates to maintain instability.
  • Reply to: The Fake, Media-Generated "Anti-Incumbent Rage"   14 years 3 months ago

    Voters don't change, they stay stupid and vote their guy in again hoping it helps them. Every incumbent needs to go to get politicians attention and let them know their job is not just to get re-elected.
    But it won't happen. The sheep will continue voting for their local wolf and wondering why they are always nervous instead of getting rid of all the wolves.

  • Reply to: Will the Department of Education Crack Down on For-Profit Colleges?   14 years 3 months ago
    What about trying to get a BSN with thirty places and over a 100 applicants. I can get into University, but that doesn't mean I can get into the nursing program. I have an AA and am on the dean's list, but I'm told I should go back take a reg. RN class (2 more years) then take the bridge for the BSN. That is at least six years. Shouldn't I just pay more and go to Devry for two years for my BSN?
  • Reply to: BP Ignoring Health Concerns in the Gulf   14 years 3 months ago
    Another disater was bound to happen. With our insatiable appitite for oil the Oil Companies are forced to drill ever deeper to fill our greed. We tend to forget there is a cause and effect and a consequenceof our actions. There will be many more, each one worst than the last, before we say enough is enough. We Humans have short memories when it suits.
