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  • Reply to: How Much Oil Is Really Spilling into the Gulf of Mexico?   14 years 3 months ago
    This seems to be one of the worst disasters to happen to the North America in modern history. Devastation to our natural resources, fishing industry, food prices, tourism, etc. Why doesn't the government get involved in stopping the gushing hole in the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico? Yes, it is BP's nightmare... but it is also affecting the state of our nation and the economy. The government should step in with every resource available and stop the oil that is spilling into the Gulf of Mexico, then send a bill to BP for services rendered.
  • Reply to: BP Ignoring Health Concerns in the Gulf   14 years 3 months ago
    It is unfortunate but I don't think that BP will help any of the workers that became sick from Corexit. To do this would be an admission of guilt and we know they will never admit fault. It sickens me to think that money is so much more important than a persons well being.
  • Reply to: BP's Government-Approved, Fake Spill Response Plan   14 years 3 months ago

    I get so upset as each day passes and oil continues to gush into the ocean and threaten ecosystems and wildlife. Seems that BP is all about greed. I hope that they have to pay out much more than $20 billion to rectify this situation ( if that is what it takes) for everyone and everything that has been harmed by this disaster.

    As far as future drilling goes I hope the authorities get seriously focused on making sure that all oil companies develop a practical and effective plan of dealing with this exact type of tragedy in a faster more efficient way in order to protect the wildlife and ecosystems from harm in the future. It would be a huge shame if we do not learn lessons from this.

  • Reply to: BP Ignoring Health Concerns in the Gulf   14 years 3 months ago
    This story was very interesting. It's hard to believe that after everything that has happened BP is still trying to not take blame for this terrible situation. Now they want to blame it on some other unknown reason for these workers sicknesses. Who really knows what can be found in this chemical that is supposed to help clean up the oil???
  • Reply to: Israel's Spin Machine: It Keeps Spinning, and Spinning, and Spinning   14 years 3 months ago
    Seth: Bias is no sin. Absolute objectivity doesn't exist. More important is accuracy. The assertions in the article are backed by references. The other world trouble spots you mention need clarification too, but their violence doesn't invalidate the fact that Israel alone was responsible for the attack by its military forces on those civilian vessels in international waters - and for the fatal consequences of that attack. Israel's PR machine (like that of the USA, or Iran, or any other state), attempts to justify its government's actions and present them in the most favourable light. Two tactics it has employed consistently are "blaming the victim" (e.g. claiming child casualties had been used as human shields), and "killing the messenger" (e.g. smearing the character of otherwise respected critics such as Richard Goldstone or Jimmy Carter). In the case of the humanitarian flotilla tragedy the approach was to sever all electronic communication with the attacked vessels, impound PCs, mobile phones, video cameras and other material that might have served to clarify the sequence of events, ignore the Western human rights organizations involved, direct attention to the "suspect" Turkish movement and label its members "armed militants with possible links to Al Qa'ida". Moreover, for a considerable period during and following the military operation and communication blackout, information channels were monopolized by Israeli sources alone. Was this unreasonable? Of course not. Only pro-Iranians could think that way.
