Recent comments

  • Reply to: What Have They Been Smoking?   14 years 3 months ago
    I pity our children's future if smoking is not prohibited all over the world. I really can not imagine my kids grow up in a world full of cigarette's smokes, which sadly is already happening in my country now. Check the smoker toddler's <a href="">story</a>.
  • Reply to: Last Call on Financial Reform!   14 years 3 months ago
    As a small business owner I just want to thank the people who report these things and keep us informed. I am usually too busy running my own business to worry about trying to keep up with who was dragged in front of what committee, but this is important and I am glad that you are getting this information out there. Pick up your phones and call your elected officials.
  • Reply to: Chamber's "Virtual" March on Washington: Only an Avatar Can Love a Big Bank   14 years 3 months ago
    I have never heard of a "virtual reform" before. Didn't know something like that was possible.
  • Reply to: BP "Reporters" Give Flowery Accounts of Disaster   14 years 3 months ago

    It really is disgusting to see how crafty and slick the BP reporters, and other goons sub-contracted out, really are.

    We need more "iReporters" and average citizens blogging and capturing media using their social media means.

  • Reply to: BP "Reporters" Give Flowery Accounts of Disaster   14 years 3 months ago

    Did the reporters stop and think that the sea may have been flat and calm due to the layer of oil over it. Thats were the saying " to pour oil onto troubled waters" comes from. The sailors pouring oil over the sea to flatten it down.
