Recent comments

  • Reply to: BP "Reporters" Give Flowery Accounts of Disaster   14 years 3 months ago

    Two things come to mind:

    1. Lipstick on a pig.
    2. The Emperor Wears No Clothes.

  • Reply to: How Much Oil Is Really Spilling into the Gulf of Mexico?   14 years 3 months ago
    . . . the hurricanes are coming soon in the Gulf and, when they'll come, the (already bad) containment cap MUST be unplugged from the wellhead since the ship that collects the oil can remain there with an hurricane, so, the oil will flow from the well at 100,000 barrels per day!!!!! . "BP Spill Ops To Evacuate 5 Days Before Storm-Force Winds" . . 5 days to unplug the containment cap and evacuate the storm site, a couple of day for the storm, another couple of days to come back on site and one day to replug the containment cap = 1,000,000 more barrels of oil freely spilled in the ocean... and this is only the FIRST storm, and not the worst... . WHAT are they waiting to listen those who have the RIGHT IDEAS AND SOLUTION to STOP the oil spill QUICKLY to SAVE the sea and shores nature and wildlife BEFORE they'll be submerged by over 250,000,000 more gallons of oil, in the next TWO months (if lucky) ??????????? . . . .
  • Reply to: Old "News" About Untapped Afghan Minerals   14 years 3 months ago
    the problem will be bringing it to market safely in a country that is invariably stuck in the 12th century socially and politically. But corporate greed will overcome any obstacle, I'm sure.
  • Reply to: BP "Reporters" Give Flowery Accounts of Disaster   14 years 3 months ago

    I am sure that there is a lot of damage control being done by officials. Unfortunately this accident will cost the consumers and environment more than any of us can afford. I hope the repair happens soon!

  • Reply to: Impeach the Oil-Investing Judge Who Declared Deep Sea Drilling Ban Void   14 years 3 months ago
    Sir: Liberals have been coming up with a multitude of answers for a multitude of years, but we are continually blocked by rich, corporate powers and their legions of "trial lawyers". We have known for nearly a hundred years that we were going to eventually run out of oil, but no one has done a thing to get us off it. Liberals have said for years that we should invest in solar technologies, wind, geothermal and a host of other possibilities. The only reason that has not occurred is corporate greed, They would rather destroy the environment and the lives of millions than to lose even one penny. This is immoral and unconscionable. It is certainly not "Christian". So, here are just a few ideas for you: 1. Tax the oil companies and put that money into solar, wind and other renewable technologies. 2. Do not allow oil companies to have tax shelters in the Cayman Islands and other places. Most of us pay our fair share of taxes. So should the big corporations. 3. If this is truly a government "of, by, and for the people" we should NEVER have a former oil company or chemical company official as head of the EPA. A true "Environmental protection agency" would be headed by a former Sierra Club president or the Nature Conservancy or even the head of "Greenpeace". If oil companies want to set up an "Oil Company Protection Agency" they have a right to petition congress to do so, but don't put oil company executives in charge of our environment. It is criminal. 4. Make sure that our government has the resources to handle national disasters such as the BP spill, and authorize that these companies will comply with the government... not the other way around. The fact that the same Republicans who insisted on "smaller government" are now yelling at Obama for inadequate help is laughable if it weren't so tragic. If you want help from the government you need to be willing to PAY TAXES to pay for it. If you don't want to do that, you should get no help from our government. That's what the GOP wanted, and now they are destroying the entire southern coastline of the U.S.A. Congratulations! 5. Many seem to be worried more about the jobs of the oil companies than they are about the environment. They seem to be willing to risk ruining even more of our land and animals to save a few thousand jobs. So, here's a solution to that one. Government sets up a program to train and then employ all of these oil company workers in new solar and wind companies. That way everybody wins... the environment and the workers. Of course this will require additional tax revenue. So, tax the Hell out of BP, Exxon, Shell, and all the others who have made billions off of OUR land. They don't even own it! 6. And finally... let me ask you. What is YOUR solution? So far all the GOP has done is block everything we liberals have tried to do to protect our environment. If you are not going to work with us, all is lost. Do you plan to destroy the entire world just to make a dollar? Better get your priorities straight. It's YOUR children that this will affect. If you care more about money than life itself, we are all screwed.
