Recent comments

  • Reply to: GOP Groups Far Outstripping Democrats in Election Spending   14 years 1 month ago

    GOP needs to spend more money because the Tea Baggers are beating them by not spending more money and running on issues. GOP had better wake up soon and see what Americans are wanting in Washington.

  • Reply to: The Supreme Court's "Citizens United" Decision Threatens the 1964 Civil Rights Act   14 years 1 month ago
    I share your sentiments...that's why i've joined the Green Party. We're growing, mostly at the grassroots level so far, winning a lot of city- and county-wide races, just starting to get into state legislatures. I could not in good conscience remain a Democrat. The Green Party is much more responsive to its membership, and espouses the values you value. Thanks for the encouraging words~
  • Reply to: A New Name for High Fructose Corn Syrup?   14 years 1 month ago

    Shakespeare said in Romeo and Juliet “What is in a name? A rose is still a rose, if it is called by any other name, it would smell as sweet.” ... and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) will still be as foul as ever.

    Numerologists would beg to defer as names carry their own mystical potency ... maybe that's why re-naming branding works so well. The public has a short memory span after all ... I blame it on mtv.

  • Reply to: Will Perpetrators of Financial Crimes Ever Face Justice?   14 years 1 month ago
    This economic recession we are all experiencing nowadays is clearly not a joke. Everyone suffered especially those who are not yet financially secured. But one could have saved himself from such trouble if he is only aware of right financial decisions. And that requires personal motivation to study the economy and the mechanisms that make it work. And only with that can we become accountable for ourselves and no longer seek for other's accountability over our circumstance.
  • Reply to: Washington Post Duped by Fake Congressman   14 years 1 month ago

    This story clearly shows that we all need to be vigilant, especially those who are in the position to provide information to people. If we fail to determine facts and deliver them to others as if the information is correct and they end up believing false information, we end up becoming unreliable sources.
