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  • Reply to: We Still Need Your Help: Urge the President to Put Warren to Work!   14 years 3 weeks ago

    Isn't it interesting that Wall Street bankers are so easily appointed to positions of power within our government with hardly a question raised. There seldom seems to be any question about where their true interests lie; whether they are, in fact, capable of fairly representing the interest of the American people given their obvious conflict of interest. (just look at all the former Goldman Sachs executives who have been and are now serving in key government positions. Why then should there be any question about the appointment of Elizabeth Warren, a highly capable and proven advocate of consumer protection who would truly represent the interest of all Americans rather than the special interests?

  • Reply to: Coming this week in Congress: Housing, Medicare cuts and FISA (July 6-12, 2008)   14 years 3 weeks ago
    Limo Divers Protest Medicare Mediciad Reform Cuts, It's rumored this issue could become part of the Tea Party movement. AmeriChoice Health also rumored to take a position on this issue. Recirculate those tax dollars? Help keep limo drivers working, benefits flowing and overpaid tax dollars remain in abuse. as well as other Federal agency's encourage you to report any fraudulent activities, yet, the same government agency's were notified the way this company does business yet did nothing. Three years ago they were reported to these Federal agency's and as of todays date not only were they allowed to continue doing business but were never charged once. Protected vendor status sure, politics sure, limited government budgets sure, Federal and State officals looking the other way sure, and rather then stop these activities a strong desire not to rock the boat previals. Even with the vast changes in the laws, budgets,a hands off policy remains, you tell me what's wrong with this picture? The Government created this monster and now they don't know what to do about it, like shooting yourself in your own foot etc. Tons of money to advance their national growth, it's market positions, tons of money for political donations, tons of money to send 75 millIon back to its home office from New York state alone, tons of money to suppot National TV shows, tons of money to pay hugh State fines, tons of money to hire the very best law firms, tons of money to pay for bribes and kickbacks, tons of money for hugh salary's and bonuses, all done on the back of the American tax payor, you see this company receives all it's money from the Federal government. Should your tax dollars be held to a higher standard? Should our government agency's responsible for there review and be held to that same standard? Should the IRS audit their corruption? Why has this company not been charged? How long can the buck be passed here in more ways then one? Hey, it's your tax dollars don't complain now.. then don't complain later on… ps… I know times are tough for a lot us, but it would be great to have a free limo to go to the Doctors, Pharmacy, Movies, Grocery shopping, and given free tickets for the movies. Offered soda, pop corn and hotdogs, as well as have them receive free coupons for Grocery items…Kind of makes you wish qualified for Medicare and Mediciad right? For three years now, a woman has left her home in Poughkeepsie, New York, five days a week and taken a taxi to visit her child at St. Margaret’s Center, a nursing home for disabled children in Albany, New York. Each night, she rides home by taxi. That costs $300 a day. What dedication by taxpayers. That is right. Taxpayers have shelled out $196,000 over the past three years so that she can make this Poughkeepsie-Albany commute each day. Incredibly, state health officials defended this daily abuse of taxpayers. Could not the woman move to Albany? It would have been cheaper to buy her a Cadillac Escalade and have her drive herself. But under Medicaid’s incomprehensibly illogical rules, taxpayers had to give this woman a whopping $65,000 subsidy. We underpay doctors by 20% or more. But one — likely two — cab drivers have a gravy train going there. For New York state, the bill comes to $98,000 — with federal taxpayers shelling out another $98,000. Oh and this happens all over the place. Ambulances in Southern West Virginia became taxis as they shuttled people off to the drug store and the like — and then billed Medicaid. New York state Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli said the $196,000 taxi drive was part of at least $169 million in misspent funds. “We found the state Medicaid system is leaking millions of dollars,” DiNapoli told the Albany Times-Union. “Safeguards designed to protect the taxpayers by detecting waste, fraud and abuse keep failing.” Taxpayers finance $196,000 ride By CATHLEEN F. CROWLEY Staff Writer Published: 01:00 a.m., Wednesday, December 23, 2009
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter on The Ed Show   14 years 3 weeks ago
    If Wendell really believes "These companies really cannot do the right thing," why did he support the Obama health care plan, which cements health insurance companies in place as America's "health providers"? Why did he back off his support of national health care? I was so excited about him before, but now he's lost all credibility with me.
  • Reply to: Tell Larry Summers, "Don’t Delay!"   14 years 3 weeks ago
    How convenient for him to be leaving when everything is about to collapse all around us. He is one of a group of people who caused many of the economic problems we have today and taking away the Glass-Steagall act was the biggest mistake,leaving the sector wide open to corruption and abuse.
  • Reply to: Reviews Wendell Potter's New Book, "Deadly Spin"   14 years 3 weeks ago
    I eagerly await my pre-ordered copy of Wendell Potter's book. The people of this country live in advertiserss confabulations about the corporations that are undermining and swindling them...and don't wake up until they are permanently traduced and knocked silly by Insurance companies in general and specifically Health Insurance Giants. This book, the perspective of a 'converted' insider whose better nature was probably appaled and repulsed by the bottom-line only manipulative mentality of these inhuman insurance giants, will serve to remove many more blinders of debility from people's eyes. We all must at last shake off the thrall these predators after vulnerable psychic victims hold us in. Their insatiable greed and an absence of any genuine concern for customers they lure into their health care product webs of deceit needs to be addressed by laws that can, if they bear real teeth, stop their vampiric practices. Big Insurance brags about its immense profits as though these were not generated from the extraction of overpriced premiums from millions of people who were gulled by advertisers' fear tactics, into parting with their money for the illusory security about health they poffered. And, in health emergencies, when their services were counted on, many people were denied because they did not read the fine print that should have been in bold letters in their 'product' contracts. From original and over priced premiums which are then gambled on Wall Street, Big Insurance buys costly advertising, retains legal services, investigative services, etc, legally use those premiums against the very people who paid them... Hopefully, Mr. Potter's book will open many more eyes...and lead to an unravelling of this Big Insurance conspiracy against the American people.
