Recent comments

  • Reply to: GOP Groups Far Outstripping Democrats in Election Spending   14 years 4 weeks ago

    Of course the republicans are spending so much more because they are supporting their own businesses. The media is owned by predominately conservative rich greedy folks trying to protect what they got and the methods which keep the gravy running, corporate welfare. How nice of the supreme court to stab the public in the back in order to help their crony base. Too bad for them that no amount of spending is going to help because anybody with half a brain realizes that the republicans are evil incarnate. They destroyed the economy even though they were the prime beneficiaries of the one they trashed. Anyone who supports a republican is either a fool or a fat cat that wants to keep on getting over on everybody else. The republicans are communists of the corporate state.

  • Reply to: Congress Needs to Clip Goldman's Wings   14 years 4 weeks ago
    Paul Volcker, the legend from the 80s who tamed the inflation had several good ideas about how to change the regulations so that the financial crisis does not repeat itself. Unfortunately he was not listened to. And in my opinion, there is only a question of time when the crisis will repeat itself, probably only worse, because the countries are much more indebted than they were at the beginning of the recession.
  • Reply to: BP Buys Search Terms to Redirect Users to Company Web Site   14 years 4 weeks ago

    I don't know which is worse - to attempt to buy search terms, or for search engines to sell them. This is why we need to scrutinize our searches, information we gather through them, etc.

  • Reply to: The Mercenaries Previously Known as Blackwater   14 years 4 weeks ago

    You have to be aware that heroes are often used by people seeking power for reasons you and I would likely agree are not humanistic reasons. Thanks.

  • Reply to: Who Is Bankrolling the League of American Voters?   14 years 4 weeks ago

    You should probably go back and re-read the CBO estimate. This ACT will save a little money in the first couple (2 or 3) years but after that it will increase the deficit exponentially.
    At least that's what was reported therein the last time I read it, about a month ago.
    You want to know how it works? Go to England and ask the folks there how their system works. Oh yea, Ask them why the govt there just made substantial changes to the mechanisms that control their system. Wonder if it might be because it's not working to well? Food for thought. If they could find a system of universal care that would work, properly, Hey, I'm all for it. Unfortunately they haven't and this "ACT" which was thrown together piecemeal "ain't gonna cut it!" Hell, 85% of the politicians who voted for the "act" still haven't read the thing! It's thicker than "THE ODESSEY AND THE ILLIAD" put together and probably more confusing than the original text of "BEOWOULF!"
