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  • Reply to: Wendell Potter on The Ed Show   14 years 3 weeks ago
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  • Reply to: Diversity Gap in Online Journalism   14 years 3 weeks ago

    Hello, do you want to express this information is what, I do not understand, you can say you more points.

  • Reply to: Minority Report Becomes a Reality For Immigrants   14 years 3 weeks ago
    Next the insurance companies will buy up all your iris scanned images to see if you have any health problems or diseases. Next step, cancel your insurance if you are too high of a risk! Google pupil analysis and look for to see what various pupil signs show. The technology was developed by Russian scientists.
  • Reply to: Netflix Hires Fake Crowd to Look Excited at Media Event   14 years 3 weeks ago

    It is unlike Netflix.

  • Reply to: For-Profit Schools Leading Students into Debt   14 years 3 weeks ago

    Thanks for the sharing. I read about this on a CNN article not too long ago. Personally, I think for profit schools are doing a major disservice tot their student by allowing them to rack-up more student loan debt than the individual will make in a given year, after he graduates. I think there is one underlying problem, that has definitely become more evident in the last few years, and that is that there is a Financial Education crisis in America, When we go to school we learn about every subject imaginable, except about the subject of MONEY and how it really works. It's never taught to us in school and we definitely don't learn it from our parents because chances are that they're in debt as well. Today, the average college student goes to college in hoes of making a better living for themselves in the future and graduates in a worse financial position than they were when they first went to school. Financial Education is the key to designing a lifestyle that is truly worth living. Here is an article I wrote on a very similar topic, however, I offer my perspective on paying off student loan debt.
