Recent comments

  • Reply to: Colorado Billboard Combines Racism, Homophobia and Xenophobia   14 years 4 days ago

    The last guy is a pimp, not a homosexual. As in Obama pimping the USA to China, for instance. I agree with the other depictions, except the illegal has an ammo belt around him amd we do have shootings right? Does Arizona or Texas ring a bell? Want to go jet skiing? You DemocRATS seem to call everything or everyone you do not agree with a racist, or homophobic, or etc, etc. You just have no other defense do you? Take me for instance; I am a retired, disabled VET who Loves God, and Country. I believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I want God in the Pledge of Alleigence. I want government to stop the spending. So, how do the Progressive DemocRATS, and the Progressive Republicans react to that? I am called a racist, gun hugging, God clinging, homophobe. What a pity you morons cannot come up with a real defense. I am all you want to be, but I was here first and it just eats at you, doesn't it? LOL
    The slaughter will commence in November and we, the real patriots, will take control of congress. Two years later, it will be the White House you will lose. Then there is just nothing here for Progressives who think Socialism is the way to be. I really pity you. You are invited to leave the country anytime you please and go to Venezula and live your life as "THEY" see fit.

  • Reply to: Colorado Billboard Combines Racism, Homophobia and Xenophobia   14 years 4 days ago

    Its being picked up by all major media so we don't have to worry about only Grand Junction seeing it.

  • Reply to: Jack Black Takes on Liars for Hire   14 years 4 days ago

    Saw JR on CNN Just wanted to say he comes across as a serious person, has a head on his shoulders and I hope that his health is good.

  • Reply to: How "Breast Cancer Awareness" Campaigns Hurt   14 years 4 days ago
    I recently posted on my Facebook page about how sick to death I was of seeing Pink and that I didn't want or need to see NFL players in pink to know about breast cancer. My bold statement caused quite an uproar on my page and actually causes 2 people who were "friends" to unfriend me. Not sure that I care much since clearly they didn't understand my point. I wasn't ANTI Breast Cancer Awareness or Research. I just am sick of everyone focusing in on this ONE cancer. I'm 44 and I have already had 5 mammograms. I really don't need to be reminded with pink to go to the doctor every year for check ups and get mammo's and pap smears and blood work etc. People too ignorant to know they need to do this may just be dumbing down our society (harsh statement but not too far from truth). In the past few weeks I have found that a dear friends father was diagnosed with Prostate cancer - what month and color is that? My stepfather had 1/3 of a lung removed for lung cancer a year ago and it looks like it may have returned in the other lung, tests still pending as of today. What month and color is for lung cancer awareness? People are such followers and groupies and are too quick to jump on the bandwagon without doing any research. My statement was HARSH and bold and I admit I made it knowing it would tick some people right off, but if I sugar coated it, people wouldn't have paid as much attention. I'm quite certain that I probably got at least a few people that I am friends with to think before they pink in the future. Cudos to you for this post. So glad I found it....
  • Reply to: Congress Needs to Clip Goldman's Wings   14 years 4 days ago
    Obama sold his soul to Goldman Sachs his # 2 contributor...! We never had a chance, we were betrayed before he even took the oath of office... We needed to Nationalize these corrupted banks to reform them properly and Obama is blocking reforms, as he did with the need for strict international regulations...Sarkozy and Merkel called for... All this debate is pedantic...Change is off the never left the kitchen...!
