Recent comments

  • Reply to: Colorado Billboard Combines Racism, Homophobia and Xenophobia   14 years 3 days ago

    ugly stuff...

  • Reply to: Branding Diseases to Sell Cures   14 years 3 days ago

    As a matter of fact, yes. If you had any idea what it is like to suffer from RLS, you wouldn't find it so laughable.

  • Reply to: How "Breast Cancer Awareness" Campaigns Hurt   14 years 3 days ago
    Actually, unless you have reason to think you have an elevated risk for breast cancer, you may even be doing too much. The evidence on self breast exams is equivocal and I'm sure you're aware of the mixed recommendations regarding mammograms for women under 50. All of which underscores the original point: breast cancer, in the public mind, has grown out of proportion to reason.
  • Reply to: Take Action! Demand a Freeze on Foreclosures!   14 years 3 days ago
    Though descriptively, if not definitionally, a Progressive, I believe the Obama administration is right in investigating first to see the scope and depth of the issue of incorrectly processed disclosures. A blanket freeze on foreclosure processing makes good frustration-expression, but, in reality, is something like asking for a delay in the sunset to give you time to find your camera. Disrupting the present restructuring of the housing market would impede rebuilding the economy and finish by costing a great deal of money that ordinary people would end up paying out. Preliminary evidence at the Justice Dept suggests the over-whelming proportion of allegedly fraudulent foreclosures could not be circumvented by re-examining the mis-administered documents. An investigation should find those guilty of fraud and prosecute them; which can be done without a freeze. The present SNAFU should not be seen as a political opportunity to force lenders to absolve all borrowers faced with foreclosure of taking responsibility for making an imprudent investment in a home.
  • Reply to: How "Breast Cancer Awareness" Campaigns Hurt   14 years 3 days ago
    and WANT to jump on many band wagons. You not only hit the nail on the head regarding brand "Breast Cancer Awareness", but on most issues in general. That bandwagon is the holy grail of advertising, public relations, lobbying, and propaganda. This organization, CMD/PR Watch counters and questions the "groupthink". That's why I'm here! Thank you, CMD! And thank YOU for your comment!
