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  • Reply to: Is Geithner Planning a Stealth Attack on the Wall Street Reform Bill?   14 years 6 days ago
    There is nothing legitimate, or real, about the $600 Trillion (over $1/2 QUADRILLION) in derivatives "assets"!* There's not enough "money" in the world to get the banksters out of THAT mess, yet they are still being allowed to play the game, and insurance companies are still insuring them? Why the banksters aren't in jail (or swinging from lamp posts) is a mystery to me. Meanwhile, the tidal wave of foreclosures, amounting to less than 1% of the derivatives market, is allowed to continue with abandon, leaving homeowners swinging in the breeze! *I thought it was closer to $250 trillion, but EITHER number is many times the ENTIRE world's annual output! The Rich/Big Corporations get that way by ELIMINATING JOBS!
  • Reply to: Smoking in "Avatar": Necessary to "Reflect Reality"?   14 years 6 days ago

    toxic and carcinogenic AND untested additives galore, and so forth. They want to scapegoat the unpatented natural tobacco plant for all the reported illnesses and deaths. The Blame The Victim ruse is not new. With corporatized mainstream media, and with PR watchers who don't watch anything in this area, it now works better than ever.

  • Reply to: Product Placement in the City   14 years 6 days ago

    i am absolutely agree with you the movie is really something i like both the film and the series . I also find interesting their topics about sex toys and sex in general they are great.

  • Reply to: What's The Matter With America?   14 years 1 week ago

    There are times when suggestions and comments are really needed.. There are time when we don't really see blue as blue and it takes another person for us to tell us that is blue.

  • Reply to: Washington Post Duped by Fake Congressman   14 years 1 week ago

    Its my great pleasure to visit your blog and to enjoy your great posts here. I like it a lot. I can feel that you paid much attention for those articles, as all of them make sense and are very useful
