Recent comments

  • Reply to: UnitedHealth's Big Announcement: Just What the Doctor Ordered?   13 years 12 months ago
    Okay, genius. If what you say is true (i.e., health -care insurers' profits are way up because their costs are down), why have UHC and others demanded huge double-digit rate increases for 2011, especially in a very weak economy?
  • Reply to: UnitedHealth's Big Announcement: Just What the Doctor Ordered?   13 years 12 months ago
    Dear Anonymous-- Your personal attack on Wendell Potter is as silly as it is unfounded. Discussing the quarterly profits of companies like UHC that have cried wolf on health care reform is not "garbage" and their record profits are not the result of the hyped H1N1 scare not coming true. I feel sorry for you because either you've been duped by Big Insurance propaganda or you are at their teat. Lisa
  • Reply to: UnitedHealth's Big Announcement: Just What the Doctor Ordered?   13 years 12 months ago
    Hi! Thanks for the amazing content. I have just told a few of my friends about this on facebook and they love your content just as much as I do. Keep up the good work! Kind regards, RTTT
  • Reply to: And, Now for Something French (Wendell Takes on "The World")   13 years 12 months ago
    Le problème, c'est que le système de soins public français (la Sécurité sociale) est progressivement en train de se désengager au détriment de la santé des Français, et au bénéfice des complémentaires santé (hors mutuelles, qui sont des organismes à but non lucratif). D'un autre côté, les assurances santé privées - seules à même de bien rembourser certains soins très coûteux - augmentent leurs tarifs. Autrement dit, le système de soins français ne sera bientôt plus un modèle, le système américain n'aura alors rien à lui envier. Translation (from Google Translate):The problem is that the French public health system (Social Security) is gradually being disengaged at the expense of the health of the French, and to the complementary health (excluding mutuals, which are nonprofit organizations profit). On the other hand, private health insurance - only able to properly repay some very expensive care - increase their rates. In other words, the French health care system will soon be a model, then the American system has nothing to envy.
  • Reply to: UnitedHealth's Big Announcement: Just What the Doctor Ordered?   13 years 12 months ago
    As a former "corporate executive" of CIGNA, you should disclose to your readers that corporate earnings come from a variety of subsidiaries and lines of business and do not necessarily reflect the medical loss ratio of subsidiary insurers. Before painting the picture you are trying to paint, it would be fair to report what UHC's MLR was in the same period for its individual, small group and large group lines of business. Or do we not want to muddy up the debate with relevant facts?
