Recent comments

  • Reply to: UnitedHealth's Big Announcement: Just What the Doctor Ordered?   13 years 12 months ago
    Do the math for yourself! In the last 9 months, United Health care has generated revenue of $70,125,000,000. That's more than $70 BILLION. Even at an only 4% rate of profit, that would be more than $2.8 BILLION. Still think that this is only a reasonably performing company and not a greedy corporate entity?
  • Reply to: UnitedHealth's Big Announcement: Just What the Doctor Ordered?   13 years 12 months ago
    The same day as United Health's announcement of their $1.3 billion quarterly profit, they announced that they are launching a new cancer treatment reimbursement program which will outline treatment regimes and pay only a lump sum for the course of treatment. Outrageous! I am a 12-year cancer survivor and cannot fathom how an insurance company gets the power to determine - and limit - my treatment regime. I'm so angry about the greed that is rampant at that company! For the full story, view the Minneapolis Star Tribune article on Oct. 20.
  • Reply to: UnitedHealth's Big Announcement: Just What the Doctor Ordered?   13 years 12 months ago
    I have no medical care at all. I am able to buy in to my husbands NC state health care program but we don't make enough money to do that. It's an additional $500 per month. Even though he has health care we can't afford the co pays. No unions down south to stick up for the worker. No wonder Nc has lots of corporations coming here. They don't have to pay much for salaries or health care. So Anonymous I don't think you have the interests of the people in mind or you just have you head in the sand and don't see the suffering around you. Fool.
  • Reply to: UnitedHealth's Big Announcement: Just What the Doctor Ordered?   13 years 12 months ago
    You guys pushed on this web site for a long time for health care, and now that health insurance will be mandatory in the next few years, many have gone ahead and bought insurance policies. Now you're mad the law you pushed requiring people buy health insurance resulted in a profit for the insurance companies. What exactly did you expect to happen? Health Insurance companies to give out free lollipops in ticker-tape parades declaring the end to poor health choices?
  • Reply to: UnitedHealth's Big Announcement: Just What the Doctor Ordered?   13 years 12 months ago
    The situation is not nearly as simple as Potter would like his readers to believe. For one thing United profits over the past five quarters have ranged from 4.3% to 5.3%; not exactly exorbitant. Much more importantly in my view is that the draft NAIC report on what would be allowed under care imrovement costs excluded things such as wellness programs, 24 hour nurse lines, and other common and popular programs that improve disease management and access to care. Insurance companies like these programs because better behaviors, initial care, and disease management equate to lower claims. Potter's group is fighting tooth and nail to keep everything possible outside of the allowed costs regardless of those program's merit. His myopic confrontation with every insurance company position is a distinct disservice to the consumers he is purportedly serving.
