Recent comments

  • Reply to: A Verbal Slip on Countdown   13 years 11 months ago
    Question for Wendell Potter: I believe that the health insurance is very familiar with the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) - the employer-sponsored health coverage for federal and postal employees, retirees and members of congress. I would like to know what the industry insiders really thinks about the FEHBP - which is administered through the U.S. Office of Personnel Management?
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   13 years 11 months ago
    I appreciate the time and effort you've put in the post. Keep up the good job. Very good writing , always come back for this kind of articles. Angela
  • Reply to: Do Airport Screenings Really Make Us Safer?   13 years 11 months ago
    I think we should all just stop flying. Even if it was for just one day. That would hit the airlines where it would make an impact and then maybe they would start stepping in and taking some of the responsibiltiy for safety away from the power happy TSA. TSA is obviously way out of control. It is not a pleasant adventure to fly anymore. I have made the personal choice to not fly anymore. There are trains, buses and my car to get me where I want to go. Enough is enough. We are losing so many of our rights daily. We have to put a stop to it.
  • Reply to: Opt-Out Day Promotion: Let TSA Touch You, Win an IPod Touch   13 years 11 months ago

    Great contest, i am ready to participate and too much hopeful for results.

  • Reply to: Weapons of Mass Deception   13 years 11 months ago

    Hey great stuff, thank you for sharing this useful information and i will let know my friends as well.flower
