Recent comments

  • Reply to: A Win in Spin for the Corporate-Backed Tea Party   13 years 11 months ago
    He contributes to to NPR to legalize marijuana Center for American progress Open society Institute Tides Foundation Media Matters, Need I say more???
  • Reply to: Conservative Media Bias   13 years 11 months ago

    This is where PR screwed up. Pay no attention to Media Matters. They are so slanted that they landed on their heads. Get real PR!!!!

  • Reply to: Big Health Insurers Funneled $86.2 Million Through Chamber to Oppose Health Care Reform, in Just 2009   13 years 11 months ago

    this country needs a dozen of these stories daily until citizens understand why healthcare costs too much. dozens of stories like this should be no problem to gather since there are no innocent parties. hospitals, providers, phamaceutical companies, med schools, malpractice insurers and attorneys, administrators, labs,insurance companies-none of them is without blame for crushing the american dream. and, to the extent that silence is consent, the media is also complicit in the failure to expose this ruinous extortion for what it is.

  • Reply to: How Much Oil Is Really Spilling into the Gulf of Mexico?   13 years 11 months ago
    bush and cheney.. comon hoew is this their fault.. yea bp should be responsible and the nshut down in the us. but the bigger of the evils is our current idiot in office. he stopped aid from russia and many other contries... hmmm bp is to blame and obama is the problem.. did you know he has oil interest down south?.... after spill he saw a vision.. they will move their rigs if i stop oil movement in the gulf and setup on my interest... money in obamas pocket..... hes bad news was before he got into office and still is...
  • Reply to: Do Airport Screenings Really Make Us Safer?   13 years 11 months ago
    Very nice report- especially the last section, "Putting It In Perspective". The Wars on Drugs and Terrorism are a complete waste of money when the legal drugs of tobacco and alcohol predictably kill about a half million Americans each and every year. And Stephen Colbert has reason to be concerned about bears- they did maim and kill several Americans last year!
