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  • Reply to: A Verbal Slip on Countdown   13 years 11 months ago
    I just watched mr. potter on countdown as he spoke with michael moore and keith olbermann. In my view mr. potter, mr. moore and mr. olbermann are all american heroes. thank you all and thanks especially to mr. potter. I will look for his new book tomorrow. fred covey
  • Reply to: Do Airport Screenings Really Make Us Safer?   13 years 11 months ago
    I have no problem with the screening. I'll stand naked in the middle of the airport if it facilitates reducing the threat of an explosion on my plane. Flying is not the "friendly skys" it used to be but I'm glad to see the authorities moving on anything to keep my plane safe. I got a suggestion. Let people choose to fly on a "security check" plane or one that has no security checks and see which one people choose. Provided they can get a pilot to fly it.
  • Reply to: Pat This! Nov. 24th: National TSA Opt-Out Day   13 years 11 months ago

    Good for Jeff Goldberg and his suggestion to wear kilts! --I'd love to see some bold travelers expand on this by wearing minimal clothing (how "minimal" can you get away with?--bathing suit, at least!--shorts with no underwear?) under a coat which they would remove for their patdown. Would still be showing less than could be viewed on the scanning screen, and the publicity could at the least shame and embarrass the government and the TSA staff doing this.

  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: "My Apologies to Michael Moore and the Health Insurance Industry"   13 years 11 months ago
    "Stealth-Care and "predator dependency" is behind all the squeaky wheels of anti-public medical care lobbying by the industry. Next to Banking, Corporate Health Care Fraud is the giant carnivore predator in our living room. It sits there drooling while we listen to complaints about remodeling our health care delivery systems in America. Fraud is epidemic in the institutional systemic, and we are all kept in the dark about this parasitic cancer, while billions are ripped off by pharmaceutical insurance, and corporate hospital apparatus. Listen to Senator Sanders and you must come to the conclusion that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Just as big finance has duped us into believing a dependency story on their fraud, the medical market looting system is draining the system while it distracts us with a misinformation campaign about private market. The only thing efficient in this market is the feeding frenzy of greed that fuels the perverted incentives and moral hazard that rules the game ...and games the rules! (it is not about a health care system, it is about law enforcement against systemic fraud)! Perhaps analogous to the term in banking "Predator Lending," we might refer to this systemic as a "Predator Dependancy" agenda and propositional campaign. Fraud in Medical Health economies is as big as fraud in the Financial Services sector and we need to change the language on what we are addressing in Washington DC. Before we get anything changed in the system itself, we should be addressing the FRAUD in the system itself. Fraud is the "invisible hand" in this market controlled and politically protected segment of market profiteering in the name of health and medical delivery. = IS ONLY THE BEGINNING!
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: "My Apologies to Michael Moore and the Health Insurance Industry"   13 years 11 months ago
    An apology? After the damage to our best chance of having a fair, comprehensive, affordable health care reform that "deadly spin" took away and replaced with a carte blanche ticket to continued profiteering by insurance (aka racketeers), big pharma (aka drug pushers) and the medical INDUSTRY gave us in the final compromise is hardly enough. How about donating every dime made from the tell all book to Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and use the PR skills acquired to torpedo correct action to shed light on the lies that drive policies here? Might make the "remorse" a bit more believable and palatable.... Or is this just more Wendell Potter spin to sell extra copies of his book?
