Recent comments

  • Reply to: A Verbal Slip on Countdown   13 years 10 months ago
    The total spin that is the health insurance business kills and bancrupts Americans and should be a crime. Someday, looking back, we will say how did it ever get so bad. Your compassion for the human cause is laudable and I thank you. I can I set up a free health screening clinic like the one you discribed in the horsestalls of Kentucky? We could all spend a few hours helping. I need an interpreting physician for free ultrasound screens and wonder if you have an suggestions for a contact. I hope your works brings more people to realize the way it is could be better. Sincere Thanks. Lawson PS... Comments on the video :Sick around the world?
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: "My Apologies to Michael Moore and the Health Insurance Industry"   13 years 10 months ago
    I want to know what YOU are going to do about two friends of mine who died from heart disease because insurance companies wouldn't cover treatment, while you were whoring for corporate greed. I hope you DO accomplish something to balance out the karma you've earned. But I have nothing save contempt for your "apologies." ps. It's spelled "memento."
  • Reply to: BP Ignoring Health Concerns in the Gulf   13 years 10 months ago
    In the midst of this PR disaster, I find it hard to believe that BP would openly ignore potential health concerns, knowing that these type of things will be released in the media.
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: "My Apologies to Michael Moore and the Health Insurance Industry"   13 years 10 months ago
    Too easy now to blame the Financial Sector, the Health Industry and every other private endeavour for our economic woes, while mindlessly praising our 'Government for the Politicians, by the Politicians!' Do I hear any government clamour for the return of Constitutional power to each Individual Voter and the dis-empowerment of interest groups, 'Centers,' Lobbyists, et al., when still policy-making and reforming everything with exclusion and exception for themselves and favoured collectives, while continuing to disenfranchise the citizenry at large ... as if by command or design? For some it seems, we are merely now just waking up to the effect of decades of political self-interest and mismanagement, where our administrations' and governments' status quo existed only as pay-backs for special interests, whether Unions or Industries, Gangs or Religions, Races or Sexes, Media or Environmentalists, Parties or Societies, Poor or Rich, ad infinitum. But as independent and free voters, we the People allowed our lawmakers and their persistently self-serving legal fraternity to make our beds and then tuck us in for this inevitable rude awakening. Our governments past AND PRESENT are thus alone equally blameworthy for securing their own interests by irresponsibly bestowing privilege and opportunity in sacrosanct venues of the Public and Private Sectors - where our supposed 'representatives' would not be so readily exposed at each dawning (eg Fannie & Freddie??). If we value our individual liberties and rights, then why allow them deviously subverted by ANY interest group - our own or another's. If we value our sovereignty and security, then why allow this government or the next to thrive under other masters? Is it not really America's free and independent spirit, which obviously frustrates globally centrist ideologies set on replacing diversity and individualism with unfettered control and obedience? There lie the true fraud merchants and their manifested nightmares the world is finally waking up to. They've always lived among us seeking to break what we create and take what we make. Even this online medium like so many others is sponsored by one's, Soros, designs for the world - as if gullible and besotted individuals haven't already witnessed more than enough destructive influences for world order by megalomaniacs, demagogues and despots. Isn't it now time to put THEM all to sleep instead, so as to leave freedom-loving, self-dependent and responsible peoples to their preferred realisations of much sweeter dreams?
  • Reply to: Do Airport Screenings Really Make Us Safer?   13 years 10 months ago
    I would love to see a law that prevents former government officials, elected or not, be barred from working in their field on the private side for 5 years.
