Recent comments

  • Reply to: This Is Going to Hurt: What Your Doctor Doesn't Say Can Cost You   7 years 8 months ago
    My doctor informed me that if I wanted to remain his patient I had to start paying a $100.00 a month whether I saw him or not. (And this did not include the copayment I had to pay if I did see him.) His argument was he could spend more time with me and see me when I was in the hospital. Yeah, right like he ever did any of that. He just found a way he could get more money with less...I call them rip-off artists...
  • Reply to: Four States Introduce Keystone XL Resolutions, Lifting Language from ALEC and TransCanada Itself   7 years 8 months ago
    Keystone "52" special conditions are joke ,many of them you should of already been doing, obviously you haven't been doing them,that says alot about your integrity as a company & as person, which is sad.
  • Reply to: 5 Things to Know about Billionaire Betsy DeVos, Trump Education Choice   7 years 8 months ago
    I went to and graduated from public schools. I went to college to become a teacher and being appalled at the insular thinking turned to another degree. I have worked in public schools in New York and Vermont as a substitute teacher, teacher's aide, and student's aide. I homeschool two children and one has been accepted at two respected universities in Vermont. So, don't tell me to go look at a public school. I've been there. Reading you people blather about how great schools are and how underfunded they are, how teachers are underpaid is laughable. It's the same old song and dance we've been getting for over thirty years. Statistics prove that the public education industry has failed to educate by design. Clinton appointee, Bill Ivey, revealed that the liberal leadership has "been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry." They did that through the public education system. Time for Hope & Change
  • Reply to: Paul Ryan Is Fundraising Off Healthcare While Working to Kill It For Millions   7 years 9 months ago
    Paul Ryan Why don't all American people have the same health care as congress and the senators? You think your health care plan is the best ever! Come onboard with everyone you are trying to convince your Ryan health care reform is our best solution for all of us! I doubt you will give up your health care coverage for the Ryan healthcare plan you think is so great for us! Go away we are done with you!
  • Reply to: 5 Things to Know about Billionaire Betsy DeVos, Trump Education Choice   7 years 9 months ago
    Public Schools are a disgrace to Education and anybody who doesn't know that are either blind, stupid, and or never been to a public politically correct public school! If a parent is smart and cares about their children and are honest about it would NEVER send their child to a public school! That's a FACT! Correction**** Public schools are a disgrace to education. Anybody who doesn't know that is blind, stupid, and/or has never been to a politically correct public school! If a parent is smart and cares about their children and is honest about it, they would never send their children to a public school. That's a fact! I have sixth grade students who write better than you just did, and are at a public school with 85% free and reduced lunch students. Grow up and actually walk into a school. Come see my classroom in action. Then and only then will I value your opinion!!!! I am unsure of what a politically correct public school is, when you find one please let me know.
