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  • Reply to: Charles Koch Ramps Up Higher Ed Funding to Fuel 'Talent Pipeline'   7 years 10 months ago
    The Kochs are buying entire departments at some schools so those depts. can turn out Koch ideology in the form of "research" that supports those Koch ideas, and only Koch ideas. That astroturf research can then be pointed to by free-market politicians, as noted. The Koch money at a university is able to get professors with opposing views fired, or so I've read several times. This is not as much about donating to a university as it's about creating astroturf where grassroots support is lacking. Ramping up the talent pool is the same talking point big business uses to denigrate both high schools and universities. "We can't find any qualified candidates to hire". They want to be able to use the visa system to bring in tech people and others whom they pay less than they'd have to pay qualified US tech professionals. The tech industry is notorious for the visa ploy. It saves them money, which means more in profit. Meanwhile, qualified US tech grads can't find good jobs!
  • Reply to: 5 Things to Know about Billionaire Betsy DeVos, Trump Education Choice   7 years 10 months ago
    Public education is the cornerstone of a democratic society. I concur that the current system of public education is sub-optimal. I also maintain that the alternatives I have observed are little better (sometimes), and frequently very poor for educational outcomes. I consider the views of this nominee to be extremist and dangerous, and frankly informed by someone who has little at stake beyond personal ideology. The opportunity to make a mediocre system much worse is clearly present, and I believe this a likely outcome if this nominee has her way. I have had four children attend public schools, I attended public schools, and my father was a public school teacher. I consider this a source of pride. I then attended public Universities, as have my children. In these public systems I was exposed to diversity of thought, social backgrounds, philosophies, religious training, morals and ethics. Diversity is crucial for a tolerant and healthy democracy. Such a democracy is our greatest goal.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin’s System Increasingly Rigged Against the Unemployed   7 years 10 months ago
    I voted for Walker. My husband works seasonal construction, and the start and end dates are up in the air year after year--this makes finding an off-season job that will hire him nearly impossible. He only claims benefits as long as he needs to, but this year they've tied up his claim and say they don't know when it will be resolved. This completely screws seasonal construction companies that have a difficult enough time finding good employees. Because of this, people not only don't want to take seasonal construction jobs in the first place, but if they do, they're unlikely to stay from one year to the next. The company does snow removal to supplement in the winter, but obviously without daily snowfall there's no way to guarantee work. When seasonal construction companies go out of business due to lack of a workforce, a good percentage of jobs will be lost. Where will those jobs be made up??
  • Reply to: Frontline Gets Its Man: Lanny Breuer Leaves DOJ After Exposé   7 years 10 months ago
    Thanks for caring about the little people.
  • Reply to: 5 Things to Know about Billionaire Betsy DeVos, Trump Education Choice   7 years 10 months ago
    I wonder if she will still think vouchers for religious schools are the correct route when they are used for Muslim, Buddhist, Scientology, and Jewish schools. Also, why does she want to spend money on private schools when so many public schools need it much more. Most who send their children to private schools are very rich and can afford to pay for them without taxpayer's money.
