Recent comments

  • Reply to: Show Me the Money: Meet the Multimillionaire Squeezing Missouri's Schools   7 years 7 months ago
    You are so far off in your comments that it's obvious to see that you are probably being paid by the man as well. Almost ALL teachers opposed Rex's proposals and as it always seems to be, it's people who are not educators that think they know what's best when they really don't have a clue. Tenure does not guarantee that a teacher can keep their job - it only gives them a process by which to improve and have due process. Without that protection, many school boards would dismiss experienced teachers to bring in new hires at significantly less pay, or to pay back grudges for their friends. None of which would be good for the students, which is what the main concern should be.
  • Reply to: Betsy DeVos Ethics Report Reveals Ties to Student Debt Collection Firm   7 years 7 months ago
    Who is responsible for prosecuting her for this and which attorney cannot argue that she clearly is violating this conflict and will resume profiting from this the instant she leaves office? Are the wealthy so amoral they can lie and not blink the way she does?
  • Reply to: How PR Sold the War in the Persian Gulf   7 years 7 months ago

    Of COURSE the Monsters who Murdered the babies would pack the incubators off carefully and return them INSTEAD OF BLOWING THEM TO KINGDOM COME, you brainiac you.

  • Reply to: Dark Justice   7 years 8 months ago
    This reminds me of the old "Trips for Judges" program and other events run by F.R.E.E. Ginny Thomas attended these too, along with Scalia and many of the Federalist Society players. The names of the fronts may change, but the players, the money, and the intent remain constant. That's the rightwing playbook.
  • Reply to: About ALEC Exposed   7 years 8 months ago
    Lisa. Someone sent me a document from CMD and I am not sure of the implications. Can you explain? Thanks
