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  • Reply to: Bill Moyers Journal Features CMD's Wendell Potter   15 years 2 months ago
    Wendell Potter tells it like it is. President Obama are you listening? Read the Luntz paper, "The Language of Healthcare 2009," to learn how health insurance companies manipulate language with emotion in order to play and win on their terms. This interview needs to be broadcast far and wide--but where are the Facebook and twitter buttons? At long last Michael Moore gets insider support for all that his 'Sicko' documentary brought to light. Bill Moyer's interview is a 'must see' if you care an inkling about the future of healthcare in our troubled nation. And who doesn't care? As autism climbs to 1 in 150 births, cancer leads disease-related causes of death in small children and obesity is claiming 30% of our youth, we are sinking deeper and deeper into a morass. This ship we call American healthcare makes the Titanic look like an overturned canoe. Wendell Potter you are to be applauded. LouAnn Los Angeles
  • Reply to: The Ultimate Irony: Health Care Industry Adopts Big Tobacco's PR Tactics   15 years 2 months ago
    Mr. Potter, I just saw your interview with Bill Moyer and was very heartened to know you're helping to get health reform through. It's been discouraging to watch the back and forth, the various "trial balloons" sent up by the Administration or this or that faction of Congress. I have no idea whether reform will happen this year or not. (In fact, do you have any sense of the likelihood of reform getting through? Perhaps you could say something about that.) I have heath care through my employer and thus far have no complaints. But my 22 year old son has had diabetes since he was 14 months old. I used to hope for a cure. Now I just hope for health care reform before he's out of college and can no longer be on my health care plan. BTW, I meant to say I can well understand what a shock it must've been to see the lines of people at the Wyse County Health Fair in Virginia. It was a shock to watch it on T.V. It's easy to imagine that the uninsured are somehow managing to find health care somewhere, if perhaps having to scrimp and save -- and quite depressing to realize in this country of wealth that people are traveling for hundreds of miles to be seen by a doctor they've never seen before and will likely never see again, and who knows nothing of their history. Anyway, thank you for your work and for your profile in courage.
  • Reply to: FedEx Campaign Delivers Controversy   15 years 2 months ago

    Employees at FedEx already have choices. They are higher paid, and own company stock. It is clearly an entrepreneurial approach instead of being union run drones.

  • Reply to: The Ultimate Irony: Health Care Industry Adopts Big Tobacco's PR Tactics   15 years 2 months ago
    THANK YOU !!! You need to preach to other than members of the choir as well. What you have to tell needs to be spread around.
  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   15 years 2 months ago
    We are not talking tractors. Next time you have a heart attack, go shopping for an emergency room the same way you would a tractor. Please! When you have a loved one or even yourself purged from an insurance carrier or denied a life saving or pain relieving proceedure, Im sure you will be singing praises to the corporation that just made you a statistic. A universal non profit insurance pool will eliminate at least two unnecessary cost of health insurance, Share holder profits and excessive executive compensation.
