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  • Reply to: The Heartland Institute's Quest for "Real Science" on Global Warming   15 years 2 months ago
    Once again, you display your fine skills in twisting remarks around and interpreting them in a way which deliberately obscures the point that was originally being made, albeit in a brief, limited way because most of us have work to do and can't afford to sit around commenting all day. This comment relates to the public relations campaign which has insinuated itself into the media, the schools, environmental action and political action groups, etc., which has commonly promoted the use of the terms "carbon", and "carbon footprint" as catch-words. But even if you want to talk about carbon dioxide, I think that in reality we have many more ominous problems we need to face. This issue, like the whole Democrat/Republican or left/right split, is another way in which we are being misled, confused, divided, and sidetracked.
  • Reply to: The Heartland Institute's Quest for "Real Science" on Global Warming   15 years 2 months ago
    Carbon dioxide is exhaled by mammals, taken up by plants, released by decaying organic material to be recycled in on of the many natural cycles that are necessary for life on this planet. Anyway, who are you? You seem to be very skilled at taking people's comments out of context and then trying to make them look confused or stupid. What is your agenda? Do you have any ideas of your own to share, or is your task limited to picking apart and criticizing other people and their sincere opinions?
  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   15 years 2 months ago
    "I can't help but wonder if this is the kind of thing we can look forward to with a public health plan. I sure hope not." This is what already happens in the system we have now. That's the point! If we had universal, non profit health insurance in this country your friend would not have gone through this ordeal in the first place. I really don't understand how it is that you don't see that.
  • Reply to: The Ultimate Irony: Health Care Industry Adopts Big Tobacco's PR Tactics   15 years 2 months ago
    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported in the latest HHS Agency Financial Report (Nov 2008) that the contracted insurance companies for Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid and SCHIP made $50 Billion in improper payments (overpayments) to health care providers in one year. See The improper payments result from the complexity of health care billing and payment rules. They also are caused by fraudulent behavior by some doctors, hospitals, labs, and equipment providers billing for services not provided. The federal and state governments do not process health care claims themselves but contract with companies like BC/BS, Aetna, Amerigroup and many others to enforce government rules and pay claims. For the most part, these are the same insurance companies that handle health insurance claims for most Americans. If the insurance companies make such massive errors with our tax dollars, what mistakes do they make with our health care premium dollars? For a list of Medicare payers and their error rates, see When calculating administrative costs for Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP, be sure to add in the cost of improper payments. When you do, you will get a much higher percentage of premium dollars than previously calculated. The latest FBI Financial Crimes Report in 2007 estimated that 3 percent to 10 percent of total health care spending is attributable to fraud, overpayments, coordination of benefits and subrogation errors. This means that up to $260 billion a year in associated costs are due to health care fraud. Yet the government only assigned enough staff to recover about $1 billion. See Why does the government do such a poor job in managing health care dollars? After listening to Wendell Potter's interview on Bill Moyers Journal, I suspect it's due to the political power of the health care industry. Why do journalists do such a poor job of reporting the theft of our tax dollars and insurance premiums? I don't know! Reducing improper payments and fraud will provide enough money to ensure all Americans have health insurance without raising taxes. It will also eliminate the difference in health care inflation and overall inflation. Most importantly, it will provide enough money to increase the payments to honest providers without raising the overall cost of health care. If you agree, let your Congressperson know what you think. Only democracy can overcome lobbyists.
  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   15 years 2 months ago
    You gotta wonder three things: - Who does "Anonymous" work for? (I have a hard time believing ANYBODY who doesn't have the integrity to attach their name to a comment.) - Where is the EVIDENCE that the 15,000 people laid off got another equal paying job and health insurance? - I have been on Medicare/TFL for several years, have had over $130,000 in REAL CLAIMS, and NO ONE has mentioned that I am a problem. Which for profit insurance company would have kept me on? The vast majority of the American public, approaching 90% in polls, WANTS a public option. And, there is a good reason. The crooks (literally) in the health insurance business will do anything to keep their unconscionable profits and benefits. If you don't believe that, watch Bill Moyers. The MSM are afraid to tell the truth. I hope their days are numbered . . . . .
