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  • Reply to: Wendell Potter to Congress: Go Ahead, Please Make Our Day   15 years 2 months ago
    <blockquote>However, you didn't say what you believe the solution to be (other than the implication that a government plan is better than a private one).</blockquote> Single payer universal coverage. Take health care financing completely out of the for-profit sector and give it to democratically accountable government. Make the lobbyists find other interests to lobby for. Otherwise the imperative to maximize profits will always trump patient care. Thank you so much for your advice. I'd never have thought of it.
  • Reply to: FDA Lab Analysis Puts the Heat on E-Cigarettes   15 years 2 months ago

    I could not help but notice your title 'E Cigarettes are a lot like arsenic'. Can't say the FDA found that in an e-cigarette but cyanide and arsenic are both found in regular cigarettes.

    Which is safer?

  • Reply to: FDA Lab Analysis Puts the Heat on E-Cigarettes   15 years 2 months ago

    Since this site is some sort of media relaying information, take a look at the information that is really IN that report and see if you can ask the question that all ecig users want answers to. Are they more dangerous that analogs (regular cigarettes). I am sure you will get a more honest answer than it seems the American people did. If they had enough information to make that claim, with all the years of tobacco research, they certainly have enuff info to say Yay or Nay.

    As an ecig user I am sure I do not speak for myself that we appreciate the FDAs role of keeping things like lead and other things out of our products, however, I personally do not appreciate it when it looks as if the only 'safer' alternative is being lynched without supporting data.

  • Reply to: FDA Lab Analysis Puts the Heat on E-Cigarettes   15 years 2 months ago

    Spins-of-the-Day on [ PRWatch] are summaries of news or journal articles, press releases, studies, blogs and other published media; they are not meant to be editorials. If is seems like we are "parroting" information, it is because we attempt to accurately summarize information contained in a given published piece.

    The agency that evaluates advertising as to whether it is misleading or inappropriate is the [[Federal Trade Commission]]. The [[U.S. Food and Drug Administration]] evaluates the safety of products/drugs.

    Anne Landman

  • Reply to: FDA Lab Analysis Puts the Heat on E-Cigarettes   15 years 2 months ago

    Nowhere did the FDA state that the ecig had more carcinogens than regular tobacco. As a matter for fact the device they were comparing it to was the Nicotrol inhaler a SMOKING CESSATION Device, NOT a combustible tobacco cig.

    When the FDA rang this fire bell in a church. It caused all sorts of folks to go off half-cocked about the dangers of this product. No one is saying this device is 100% safe. The air in my city is not 100% safe.

    The question IS.. Is the ecigarette safer for smokers who have tried and failed to quit than the tobacco version or is it NOT? To not answer this question paid a disservice, not only to smokers but to loved ones subjected to their second-hand smoke and concerned about their health.

    Ecig users are still waiting.
