Recent comments

  • Reply to: Wendell Potter to Congress: Go Ahead, Please Make Our Day   15 years 2 months ago
    In almost every category, US consumers use more prescription drugs than other countries. The end result is that we die younger, anyway. It's time to take prescription drugs advertising off of the air and out of print media (please check By now, we have all manner of specialty hospitals, who take only the adequately and fully insured, leaving the others to eventually show up at some ER, somewhere. All in all, we have the most dreadful system--THANKS FOR YOUR HELP IN BLOWING ALL THE WHISTLES. (BTW, I have employer paid "insurance" and am fully aware that this is a very real $1,000 per month net money out of my employer's pocket that IS NOT IN MY PAYCHECK....and there are many who are illegitimately getting fat from this so called system!)
  • Reply to: FDA Lab Analysis Puts the Heat on E-Cigarettes   15 years 2 months ago

    Not only are the manufacturers and distributors of e-cigarettes touting e-cigs as safe, but now they are accusing the FDA of using its clout to "demonize" their product. These unethical, greedy jerks want to make money! Now it looks like the smokeless e-cig is a cancer stick or coffin nail as is a tobacco cigarette.

    Immediately after the FDA warning was issued last week, which included the fact that lab tests found cancer-causing nitrosamines, the promoters of e-cigarettes countered that nitrosamines aren't really dangerous -- afterall, they are in bacon, other cured meats, and even beer.

    Ethic Soup blog says that argument is like saying arsenic can't kill you because of its medical applications. An arsenic compound was used to treat syphilis before penicillin was developed, according to Ethic Soup. Read more about the FDA warning at:

  • Reply to: Wendell Potter to Congress: Go Ahead, Please Make Our Day   15 years 2 months ago
    Mutternich, thanks for being involved enough to respond to my comments on healthcare "reform." However, you didn't say what you believe the solution to be (other than the implication that a government plan is better than a private one). If you have thought this through, write about it; on forums like this and to your elected representatives. See how your ideas stand up, and, just think, maybe your idea is the best and will get enacted.
  • Reply to: FDA Lab Analysis Puts the Heat on E-Cigarettes   15 years 2 months ago

    Only if democracy means freedom of choice only when the alternative is colored and spun as to be immaterial.

    I see in a post below that ONE Carcinogen is too many... in that case, lets outlaw bacon, barbeque and outdoor air (well at least the outdoor air in my area that continually fail the EPA's requirements). Opps almost forgot, as of yesterday, tanning beds.

    The fact of the matter is that YES some companies are promoting the ecigarette as a smoking cessation device, this is not actually UNtrue since most people who use the ecigarette can generally get off combustable cigarettes completely and switch to the ecig. I did after a two pack a day habit.

    HOWEVER, does PRwatch do PR exclusively for the FDA? Did this organization even think to look at the device in terms of harm reduction? Did they even look at the companies who provide products that are not made with tobacco abstracts therefore have no TNSAs? What it anything was done to check that the ONE cartridge, (that was not ethylene glycol BUT diethylene glycol )could have been an contaminant in that particular sample? Does PRWatch even think it would be prudent for the FDA to investigate these devices as an alternative for smokers as opposed to a smoking cessation device and attack the verbage, not the product? Inquiring minds wanna know. I find it highly irresponsible for the FDA to do anything less, and for PRWatch to parrot them with no call to do more, is more irresponsible still.

    As someone who smoked 40 combustible cigarettes a day (strongest on the American market) and polluted not only my lungs but the surroundings of those anywhere near me for 40 years to 0...nada, I think both you and the FDA, in the interest of honesty, owe it to the American smoker to say this either is, or is not safer than smoking regular cigarettes... 4000+ chemicals and tar tell me that it is.

    Now, unless I have to get my Newports from the pharmacists I see no reason that I should have to obtain this product in this manner either. Fact of the matter is for something that kills someone every 6 secs I think it would be more prudent to put my Newports in the pharmacy than my ecig.

  • Reply to: Why Do We Need Health Care Reform? Don't Ask George Will   15 years 2 months ago
    Glad that a former insider has entered the fray. It doesn't matter when you, Wendell, saw the light, but that you did and are willing to share your perspective in a very public way. Why can't we re-frame the criterion for change. Now, it's all about cost and minimizing profit (only for those on our side). But it is essential to dare the disbelievers to call up that nationalistic fervor over Americans as compassionate and caring (a powerful myth that is probably now only rarely true). Your experience at the "expedition" made the U.S. appear like a 3rd world country. We can be no better as a nation than how we treat the poorest among us. Wonder if the pundits could gravitate toward the bumper sticker-length mantra that "We Owe Health Care to Our Fellow Americans"? We need to counter divisive slogans with other ones. "Socialized" programs for society are no more threatening compassion for the sick and helpless. And we are all helpless thanks to the insurance industry's grip on access to health care providers.
