Recent comments

  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 1 month ago
    Mr. Potter, I'm deeply grateful and relieved to read your post today. The debate on healthcare has been completely redirected from the real issues, and I am stymied and frustrated the more I read the coverage. I feel like most Americans have just lost their minds -- those who fight coverage for all out of fear that their coverage will be lessened have sort of lost their moral grip, haven't they? It's as if health care has become a pinata and the wealthy are elbowing their way to the front, swinging their bat, terrified that someone will get more candy they they will. There seem to be two lines of logic, that if they are followed, really demonstrate how twisted our morals have become - #1 - If we allow coverage for ALL some of us are going to get lower quality care when we are really sick. If you follow this line of logic out, then what they are arguing is this "I would prefer to deny others basic and life saving care so that I can be sure I will get the most sophisticated care... IF I get sick." Really? Is that REALLY what they want to argue? #2 - Only those Americans who meet the right criteria should get coverage. Those criteria include citizenship, a great job, perfect health, ability to work, ability to pay large bills that exceed normal coverage, ability to take time from work to manage healthcare when sick. If you don't meet this criteria, then you simply don't deserve healthcare. Now, again, if we follow this line of argument, you must allow the fact that these criteria, over time, will continue to narrow. The coverage will continue to shrink. Fewer Americans will be covered for less coverage. So before you make this argument, consider that ANY of us could easily slip right out of the criteria that exisit, and then the odds of that happening will continue to increase as we age. Please keep talking, speaking the truth, sharing your story and destroy the myths. Thank you and congratulations.
  • Reply to: President Obama and Congress: If You Missed Wise County, Join Me in L.A.   15 years 1 month ago
    In response to David on Aug 3, 3009 - I applaud your passion for making the importance of this issue heard loud and clear in Washington. How can one learn more about this effort? I do want to share a word of caution .... this is such a hot-button issue that it is imperative to assure that a peaceful, nonviolent, and constructive message is communicated to not only our legislators but to the American people. The potential for heated commentary has been seen in the town hall meetings held across the country. Please take a lesson from the past and assure that those who march are well-versed and committed to maintaining a Nonviolent response to any potential confrontation. There is so much at stake ..... and so many with strong feelings ..... it's critical that our efforts move the conversation forward to greater understanding and compassion for all points of view.
  • Reply to: Soft Drink Industry Using Smokin' PR   15 years 1 month ago

    Why do you call Americans Against Food Taxes a "front group'? It lists its members right here: And it's clear from its site, its advertising and its positions that it's representing the beverage and related industries. There is nothing wrong with this. As a consumer, I'd expect nothing less than the beverage industry to fight back against a tax increase. I'm glad its money is paying for this effort.

    Yet you, the "public interest" scolds at Center for Media and Democracy, are somehow more noble than the greedy corporations you lambaste because your funding is routed through foundations and trusts??

    At least with the "front groups," I know where the money is coming from and why it's being spent. I can't say the same about you guys.

  • Reply to: Bank Looting Bonuses Reported--Will the SEC Awake from Its Slumber?   15 years 1 month ago
    I wish there was something we could do...but I think it's too late. By the time people in this country wake up, it will be too late. My dear friends, we are all indentured slaves to corporate America. The middle class has been reduced to lower class, and the poor are almost in the's a shame. I'm watching the memorial service for Teddy Kennedy right now and thinking that...our lion, our gone. We have no one to stick up for us anymore. We're going to have to do this for ourselves, but...I fear that we, the American People, just don't have it in us anymore. Corporate America has ALL the politicians in their pocket!! You know it's funny, we keep voting the same players in, expecting different results, but you know what ?? That's insanity !! Doing the same things over and over and over and expecting a different result IS INSANITY !!! People, WE NEED TERM LIMITS, so we don't keep doing the same thing over and over again. Our goverment is in bed with corporate america and looking out for THEIR INTEREST, not ours !! We also need to let corporate america know that we are in a different time, and AMERICA THE CASH COW IS DONE !! Why is it that CEO's in this country make more than our president for DOING NOTHING ??! WHY IS THAT...BECAUSE WE LET THEM !!! People use what God gave you...THINK, THINK, THINK !!!
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter's CNN Editorial: How Insurance Firms Drive the Debate   15 years 1 month ago
    I agree with you. No one should profit from human suffering. Health care should be a commonwealth not an industry and enterprise.
