Recent comments

  • Reply to: The Right Wing Media's Lie Machine   14 years 8 months ago
    Amazing how your "Rediculous" commentary to get out of the echo chamber is replete with Republican "talking points." Talk about ridiculous, I'd call that pot black.
  • Reply to: The Right Wing Media's Lie Machine   14 years 8 months ago
    Frank's case study is identical to Acorn's identical to the Truth Boat Vets.......and so on.
  • Reply to: Reflections on COP15, Looking Ahead to COP16   14 years 8 months ago
    I can't stand this any more. I've done my due diligence, there is no consensus, the debate is not over, and what is being propagated by IPCC is pure nonsense. It is all falling apart - you should make plans to avoid future embarrassment.
  • Reply to: The Right Wing Media's Lie Machine   14 years 8 months ago
    This is an excellent description of how the right wing uses the media so effectively to promote their message. It's also a sad statement on the state of journalism today and the corporate-run mainstream media. Until we find a way to value truth in reporting again in this society, politicians on both sides will continue to abuse the system for their own gain. The right wing just has the media formula down better than the left side. What we need is a revolution to overturn the corrupt corporatocracy that's running the world right now. And the only way to do that is to cultivate an informed public. Glad to see the Center for Media and Democracy staying on top of this!
  • Reply to: My Big Fat Greek Bailout   14 years 8 months ago
    This is simplistic conspiracy thinking. The Greeks themselves dug this hole by failing to enforce tax collections and over spending their budgets to raise debt to 12% of GDP which is 9% above the limit set by nations using the Euro. Worse, Spain, Portugal, and Ireland are in similar straights. There is no central bank for Europe and no central political authority to control the debt limit of individual nations. The bonding together of European nations with a single currency will run into repeated crises until they agree on political bonding. That's not likely to happen soon so fasten your seat belt and get out of the stock market.
