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  • Reply to: Who's Behind the Council for a Democratic Iran?   14 years 7 months ago

    Dear you need to refine your mind. Islam is a complete relegion which teaches respect to human and peace or prosperity.
    You have miss understood about What is Islam the realities?
    As you comments on terrorism then it is clear now in this modern era that who is the master of every one knows who had dropped atomic bombs on Innocent people of Japan...Every one knows who is doing terrorist acts today in the world i.e. in Iraq, Afghan, Kashmir, Palestine and doing aggressions on other innocent people, women and children in different parts of the world.
    I think every one knows that Iran is not going to make Atomic Bomb. But terrorists of the world fear that if Iran emerges as power in Education and Technology and then their terrorist acts would be weaken and they would have no chance to make any aggressions on innocent people.......
    If you need more info I can help you ..... But must be realistic b/c world base on realistic ideas not on fake and irrelevent ideas.....Thanks

  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   14 years 7 months ago
    Center for Consumer Freedom is a lobby group for for the restaurant, alcohol and tobacco industries. CCF opposes efforts of scientists, doctors, health advocates, environmentalists. They even oppose "Mothers Against Drunk Driving". I don't know who in their right mind would want to align themselves with Center for Consumer Freedom.
  • Reply to: Health Insurance Insider to Testify Before Senate   14 years 7 months ago
    Here is an interview of Wendell Potter with Bill Moyers: Its sickening how many people don't have <a href="" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;color:#444444;">health insurance</a> in this country. The most inexpensive option one could take with a reputable company is having <a href="" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;color:#444444;">high deductible health insurance</a>, while building up a <a href="" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;color:#444444;">health savings account</a>, and that is only good for very healthy and young people. Seriously? Thats the cheapest option we have these days? Having to start a bank account to pay for health costs? Its terrible to see all of this shady business going down right in front of us, and we couldn't pass healthcare reform in 2009...
  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   14 years 7 months ago
    HSUS care nothing about animals; they care about the almighty buck. This has been the standard since Wayne Pacelle got a stranglehold on it. HSUS consistently exploit the exploited. For groups who actually work on behalf of animals and try to benefit them in some way, the behavior of Pacelle and the HSUS is a slap in the face. The fact you defend them shows you know absolutely nothing about animal welfare work or a compensated mouthpiece for HSUS. Insofar as Rick Berman, he and Wayne Pacelle have a lot in common. They are both corporate thugs, aiding and abetting the monstrous cruelties of animal agriculture that is poisoning America from the inside out.
  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   14 years 7 months ago
    How about a PR watch on the HSUS? Saying that HSUS fights "egregious ongoing abuse" is pretty much taking its propaganda hook, line and sinker. So is using the HSUS description of (and moniker) "canned hunts." HSUS would have you think all high-fence hunting is shooting former petting-zoo animals backed into a corner of a corral. It's not. HSUS fights whatever battles it thinks it can win, including trying to ban dove hunting, which is in no way an "egregious" form of hunting - people hunt doves like they hunt other birds, and they eat doves like they eat other birds. But HSUS lies and says we use doves for target practice and don't eat them. Why? Because the non-hunting public thinks doves are sweet and pretty and don't deserve to be eaten as much as ugly old pigs. Your attacks on the Center for Consumer Freedom are fine; the fact that you swallow HSUS propaganda whole is not.
