Recent comments

  • Reply to: Citibank Sticks It to Customers -- and Congress   14 years 7 months ago

    I had a credit card through CITI bank with no balance on it. I received a letter from them yesterday saying that they were instating an annual fee. This fee is $60/year if I want to keep the card. But not to fear! It will be refunded if I spend $2400 in each respective year. $2400! There's no way I'd spend that much. My options were to either "close the account" or pay the $60 starting in June. I called and canceled the account.

    This is after the fact that they hiked my interest from 10% to near 20% a year ago (why I paid the card off in the first place).

    CITI is full of scum that's trying to make money however possible.

  • Reply to: Corporation Enters Race for Congress   14 years 7 months ago

    By all that is (or isn't) democratically holy: may the corporations never serve as official jurors!

  • Reply to: Health Insurance Insider to Testify Before Senate   14 years 7 months ago
    Well, he's a good Scott Mcclellan - type stooge... ending up doing the right thing in the end
  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   14 years 7 months ago
    You need to go watch that cowboy video again. Is in not filled with manure. They are huge pens, most likely coming from large pastures and are used to feed their cattle during the winter months. You did notice the snow on the ground? I did not see a manure filled pen like you quoted. You do know that cattle have to be fed during the winter months? Or are you just another apartment dweller with no cattle experience?
  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   14 years 7 months ago
    I often wonder when I hear people speak out against HSUS why they so vehemently oppose it. I mean, people say they're extremist and fringe and all of this. But if that were the case, how could they have so many supporters? Do you really think that we are all brainless and unable to think for ourselves? I suspect that it's more a case of not wanting to face reality. The HSUS through education and outreach shows us how cruel of a species we really are, and we just don't want to own up to that. You might not find canned hunts, which is a term used by many groups around the world, not solely HSUS, to be moral, but most people find them to be the realm of lazy "sportsmen". Please don't pretend that canned hunts don't simply toss animals in an enclosure where they are, pardon the pun, sitting ducks. Let's also not ignore the fact that rich men from the US travel to Africa for canned hunts of big game. There is no sport in hunting anyway, because you are smarter and better equipped than any animal out there. Congratulations. As for the dove hunting, or pigeon hunting, they are often used for fun or target practice to deal with "nuisance" populations. You might eat your doves, but most people don't. From a purely logistical standpoint, it's a lot of work to get a little bit of meat. It's not propaganda if it's true. As to the point of this article, I find it truly hysterical that the same people, with few exception, who bash the HSUS get their facts straight from the mouth of the CCF, which is funded by the very industries that stand to lose profit if the HSUS is successful in assisting voters, with many other agencies, in demanding more humane standards. So the CCF is anything but, because they don't want consumers to know the truth.
