Recent comments

  • Reply to: Auto Racing for Clean Air?   14 years 5 months ago

    Agree.. Really big

  • Reply to: Marketing to Distrust   14 years 5 months ago
    my adage is "Big Corporations don't "clean up their act", they just launder their image.
  • Reply to: Auto Racing for Clean Air?   14 years 5 months ago

    maybe later use

  • Reply to: Supreme Discomfort: Doubting the Thomases   14 years 5 months ago
    I followed your link and about the only thiong I can commend you on is the fact that you brazenly supplied your source. Everyone should read the profile of this relatively unknown justice: But you either misread or misrepresented the material in your own source. Justice Frankfurter was a "rule by law" man not a poitical pundit. Justice Thomas, on the other hand, is strictly in place because he was hand selected for his political bias. Whjile it is true that the independent stature of Justices on the Supreme Court has granted them individual posturing, the conservative nature of Justice Thomas' appointment was a neoconservative reactionary maneuver meant to gridlock the liberal interpretation of law for political purpose. The fact that his wife is actively involved in what many feel is a fascist and (if not brown shirt at least tea stained) front group lends itself to public scrutiny and the pressure that media attention is intended to place upon the otherwise unchecked balances of government institutions. The real question that should be raised, here, is why the American people are putting up with a Supreme Court system that is instilled by the very Presidents that they are supposed to be in checks and balances with in protection of the constitution. It is high time that we demand a new system of electing these judges. This is not to say that I agree with all the talk about constitutional amendments (which seem to be appearing like ants in a candy factory). It is to say that this is 2010 and the communication, education and potential for direct elections of Judges is a very feasible item to consider in changes to the infrastructure of our system. Greater participation is essential and should be part of a new gender for reinforcing "INTENSIVE DEMOCRACY" as a system that does not slant towards a minority dictating to the majority. Justice Frankfurter was put in place directly as a reform to critical curruption that was destroying the economy with greed much the same way and, indeed, parallel to the very problems we have today. If the front groups have their way today, instead of reform we are expect to conform to the rule of financial greed and corruption. Thjere is no doubt these same self righteous demogogues would create a De-mocker-icy out of our system and place Glen Beck into the Supreme Court if they could have their way.
  • Reply to: Take Action This Week on Banking!   14 years 5 months ago
    It's such shame that reactive policy making seems to be the science of the Senate's decision making. A proactive approach would have saved the economy from predatory loaning. When is the Senate going to learn!
